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The Boy in the Bubble

Sea Sure 2021 - RED - LEADERBOARD

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Australia SailGP Skipper Tom Slingsby performs prepares for race day one. Race Day 1 Event 3 Season 1 SailGP event in New York City, New York, United States. 21 June - photo © Sam Greenfield for SailGP

Dear Recipient Name

If you haven't listened to Paul Simon's 1986 album Graceland, then you've missed out, and I highly recommend you do. The Boy in the Bubble is one of the songs on the album, drawing its title from the case of the boy born without a functioning immune system, so had to live in incubator-like conditions, but the song also explores starvation and terrorism, juxtaposed with wit and optimism.

It's a great song, and the lyrics seem to have so many meanings depending on the circumstance of the time; I just happened to be listening to it ahead of the Dubai Sail Grand Prix, where it really struck a tone as I thought about how the SailGP has developed. Here's where my mind wandered...

Hyde Sails 2022 Wuzzos - MPU   November 2022 MPU

An aerial view of the Technical Base as the F50 catamarans are craned onto the water ahead of racing on Race Day 1 of the Denmark Sail Grand Prix in Copenhagen, Denmark. 19th August  - photo © David Gray / SailGP
An aerial view of the Technical Base as the F50 catamarans are craned onto the water ahead of racing on Race Day 1 of the Denmark Sail Grand Prix in Copenhagen, Denmark. 19th August - photo © David Gray / SailGP

The title made me think how the SailGP circuit, or 'Season' as they call it, is a bubble. The boats, the marquees, the grandstands, the containers, the team tents, and all the other paraphernalia that is needed to run each event gets shipped from venue to venue. Once there the event village becomes the SailGP bubble. The sailors fly in, the fans flock to the hospitality tents and the grandstands, the racing happens on a tight course, then the whole thing gets packed up to travel to the next event, creating the next bubble.

Barton Marine 2019 600x500   Harken UK 2021 - NEBO 2 MPU

A member of the SailGP Technical team prepares the bow of the Spain SailGP Team F50 catamaran in the teams hangar at the Technical Base ahead of the  Denmark Sail Grand Prix in Copenhagen, Denmark. 16th August  - photo © David Gray/SailGP
A member of the SailGP Technical team prepares the bow of the Spain SailGP Team F50 catamaran in the teams hangar at the Technical Base ahead of the Denmark Sail Grand Prix in Copenhagen, Denmark. 16th August - photo © David Gray/SailGP

But it was the lyrics which really chimed with me:

These are the days of lasers in the jungle
Lasers in the jungle somewhere
Staccato signals of constant information
A loose affiliation of millionaires
And billionaires and baby

One of the extraordinary parts of SailGP is how the TV production and commentary, together with the umpiring, is all done remotely in Ealing, London. All the information from the racetrack - the cameras, the GPS co-ordinates, and every other piece of data - is signalled around the world and back again at the speed of light, and then sent out to the public. It's quite a feat.

Umpire Booth Projection - incident AUS v GBR 200 metres from the Finish Line - Race 5 SailGP Great Britain - July 2022 - photo © SailGP
Umpire Booth Projection - incident AUS v GBR 200 metres from the Finish Line - Race 5 SailGP Great Britain - July 2022 - photo © SailGP

Musto 2017 300x250 Surefooted   RYA Membership - Pathway 2017

The loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires is self-explanatory!

The technology involved in SailGP really is mind-boggling. Go back a decade and the whole idea of the AC72 catamarans was so absurd that when the first photos emerged of Emirates Team New Zealand foiling, everyone said it was clearly photoshopped. Nowadays it's commonplace, at least in grand prix sailing, and the America's Cup has moved onto foiling gecko monohulls.

New Zealand partially lifted on her L-Foils and sailing on the Waitemata Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand - photo © Swan Images /
New Zealand partially lifted on her L-Foils and sailing on the Waitemata Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand - photo © Swan Images /

Selden 2020 - SMF - MPU   Zhik 2022 Choice of Champions MPU

It's bad enough saying to my kids, "When I was young, we didn't have the internet," and getting a blank expression in return. The whole idea of not being able to look up anything, anywhere, at any time is simply absurd now. As Paul Simon sang:

These are the days of miracle and wonder
This is the long distance call
The way the camera follows us in slo-mo
The way we look to us all, oh yeah

SailGP has taken what was new tech, refined some parts, simplified others, and packaged it all into an understandable and repeatable format. They are beginning to successfully franchise the teams, attract major sponsors, and make venues want to host a Sail Grand Prix. Creating a new sporting circuit is no mean feat; just listen or talk to Greg Norman about LIV Golf to find that out, but SailGP is doing it.

New Zealand SailGP Team and Australia SailGP Team sail towards the Navy Pier on Race Day 1 - T-Mobile United States Sail Grand Prix, Chicago at Navy Pier, Lake Michigan, Season 3 - photo © Jon Buckle/SailGP
New Zealand SailGP Team and Australia SailGP Team sail towards the Navy Pier on Race Day 1 - T-Mobile United States Sail Grand Prix, Chicago at Navy Pier, Lake Michigan, Season 3 - photo © Jon Buckle/SailGP

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They are also experimenting with new concepts, such as the first fan-owned team launched last week.

Bear with me on this, but here's the opening paragraph of their press release:

Bernoulli | Locke, a member-based community creating new immersive partnerships and experiences using innovative Web3 structures, today announced they are launching a SailGP fan-owned racing team across Bermuda and the Caribbean. Using a DAO structure and built on the NEAR Protocol, this team is expected to open new opportunities in sports ownership and fan engagement.

Sponsor signs hang on on the wall near the Fan Village as spectators watch the action on Race Day 1 of the Spain Sail Grand Prix in Cadiz, Andalusia, Spain. 24th September - photo © David Gray for SailGP
Sponsor signs hang on on the wall near the Fan Village as spectators watch the action on Race Day 1 of the Spain Sail Grand Prix in Cadiz, Andalusia, Spain. 24th September - photo © David Gray for SailGP

Stoneways Marine 2021 - MPU   no covid testing MPU

For many this will be gibberish, and even for those familiar with the concepts and technologies it takes a couple of reads.

For explanation, Web3 is the idea of a new iteration of the World Wide Web, giving power back to its users, incorporating decentralisation, blockchain technologies (like those which underpin cryptocurrencies) and NFTs (non-Fungible Tokens - a unique digital identifier). A DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization - a form of organization with governance managed transparently by its community, and this is where the 'fan-ownership' concept takes hold.

Will it work? Who knows? At the moment no-one's quite sure if Web3 will work, and cryptocurrencies haven't exactly had the best of times lately. The important thing is they're trying new things, continuing to push the boundaries.

Canada SailGP Team nearly capsize as France SailGP Team sail past during the second race on Race Day 1 of the Range Rover France Sail Grand Prix in Saint Tropez, France - photo © Bob Martin /SailGP
Canada SailGP Team nearly capsize as France SailGP Team sail past during the second race on Race Day 1 of the Range Rover France Sail Grand Prix in Saint Tropez, France - photo © Bob Martin /SailGP

Allen 2022 - TiiTAN MPU   McConaghy 2022 - MC63p & MC75 MPU

Also, SailGP recognises that to be successful they need to connect with their fanbase. Ideas like this will appeal to the tech-savvy, or at least those who believe in the next generation of tech succeeding. The racing is gaining audience, and the coverage in Saint-Tropez apparently averaged 1.609 million viewers on CBS. People are watching.

There is though one group of fans who aren't happy. They're sailors, they're on social media, and they like their speeds in knots, their boats in the water, not above it, and their starts upwind. The reality is SailGP isn't even aimed at them, it's aimed at sports fans who may have never even sailed; so, as Paul Simon ended The Boy in the Bubble, the naysayers should take note:

These are the days of miracle and wonder
And don't cry baby, don't cry
Don't cry, don't cry

Mark Jardine and Managing Editor

Vaikobi 2022 Black Friday - MPU   IC-M37E MPU 2019

Salcombe Yacht Club Winter Series - Race 2
After some recent low numbers the Fast Handicap saw seven teams come to the start for the second race in the Winter Series.

2022 Noble Marine UKLA ILCA 7 Inland Championship at Grafham Water Sailing Club
The weekend of the 5th and 6th of November saw a strong fleet of 43 ILCA 7s descend upon the infamous Grafham Water for the Inlands. With gale warnings there were no doubts that the breeze would arrive to provide the perfect setting for an inland regatta.

Guy Fawkes Pursuit Race 2022 at Leigh & Lowton Sailing Club
Leigh & Lowton SC kicked off their winter programme with the traditional Guy Fawkes Pursuit. Forecasters were predicting anything from 8 to 25 knots in the run-up to the event, so it was a major upset when competitors arrived to a near flat calm.

Sailingfast 2018 Zhik 600x500   RS Sailing 2021 - MPU
Bembridge Illusion fleet sail the January Jacket early
Sailing for the 'January Jacket' in mid-November seemed slightly odd, however it was slipped in to fill the void when the Inter-Club Team Racing was moved to early January. Light breezes and sunshine provided almost champagne conditions.

Pwllheli Sailing Club Winter Series - Week 1
The first weekend of the Pwllheli Sailing Club Winter Series kicked off with some great conditions forecast, decent racing winds of 14-15 knots, and dry!

Pauline Courtois "Match In Pink" wins double world title
Pauline Courtois and her Match in Pink match racing team from France have successfully defended their world title winning the 2022 Barfoot & Thompson World Women's Match Racing Championships in Auckland, New Zealand.

Henri-Lloyd 2022 September - Sailing Sale - YY MPU   Noble Marine 2022 YY - MPU
Australia SailGP Team win in Dubai
Tom Slingsby has once again proven why the Australians are known as the comeback kings of SailGP, executing a stunning comeback to seize victory after entering day two of racing in 8th place!

12th Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe - Day 5
The last 24 hours have been tough for the competitors in the twelfth Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe, which started last Wednesday from Saint-Malo in France.

Entries closing soon for the Draycote Dash
It's just a week until the Fernhurst Books Draycote Dash, and entry for the first event of this season's Seldén SailJuice Winter Series is closing soon...

RYA Dinghy & Watersports Show 2023 - MPU   Typhoon 2022 MPU
Clipper Race co-founders to hand over adventure sailing brands to new leadership team
After 26 years of building Clipper Ventures and successfully hosting 12 editions of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, Chairman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and CEO William Ward OBE are stepping back from the day to day running of the business.

Dubai Sail Grand Prix presented by P&O Marinas Overall
Tom Slingsby's Australia SailGP Team delivered one of the more remarkable victories seen in SailGP to dramatically overtake both France and Great Britain from what had seemed respective winning positions to storm back onto the winner's podium.

The Ultims at the gateway to the trades in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe
Setting sail from Saint Malo on Wednesday, this is the fourth day at sea for the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe.

Craftinsure 2018 Retina MPU   Upffront 2020 Foredeck Club MPU
18ft Skiff Spring Championship on Sydney Harbour - Races 5 & 6
Races 5 and 6 of the Australian 18 Footers League's 2022-23 Spring Championship were sailed over two windward-leeward 3-buoys courses, on Sydney Harbour today and resulted in wins for Rag & Famish Hotel and Yandoo.

Great Britain SailGP Team have a scorcher on day one of the Dubai Sail Grand Prix
Tricky light winds and one of the tightest race courses the team have sailed in the championship so far made for a day of needing to keep calm and eyes looking out of the boat for wind.

IMOCA Bureau Vallée dismasted in the Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe
French skipper Louis Burton (Bureau Vallée) has dismasted on the Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe while lying in ninth place on the solo race from Saint Malo to Guadeloupe which started on Wednesday at 1415hrs.

J Composites 2022 - J45 v4 MPU   Allspars December 2019 MPU
The fox being chased by the hounds in a compelling Route du Rhum
With Morgan Lagravière - We had to wait a couple of days longer than expected for the start of the Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe, but it was well worth it because it has turned into a fascinating game of competitive racing, strategy and tactics

New and improved Supertherm® Steamer
Our new and improved Supertherm® Steamer is built for superior warmth, unrestricted movement and total comfort when both in or on the water!

Entry open for RS200, RS400 Eurocup, RS800 European Championships 2023
The RS Class Association are delighted that the RS200, RS400 and RS800 fleets will return to the renowned and ever-popular Circolo Vela Torbole, on Lake Garda for the RS200 & RS400 Eurocup and the RS800 European Championship 2023!

Pro-Set 300x250   GJW Direct 2020 MPU
Flying Fifteen 2023 Southern Traveller Series Announced
The UK Flying Fifteen Association has announced the dates of their Southern Traveller Series events for 2023 which are open to all types of Flying Fifteen - ie. Classic, Silver and Gold fleet boats.

2022 Noble Marine UKLA ILCA 4 Inland Championship at Grafham Water Sailing Club
Leo Yates becomes the 2022 ILCA4 Inland National Champion but it wasn't easy with only 3 points separating the top 3 places it was down to the last race...

Allen to showcase new products at METS
Allen are extremely pleased to be exhibiting this year at the first 'normal' METSTRADE show since the Covid pandemic.

Rooster 2020 - Impact BA - MPU   Sea Sure 2021 - FLO - MPU
Martin Breaker - The Ejector Seat of Spinnaker Drops
The term Martin Breaker refers to a shackle tripping device to allow for remote release of a tack line under load during a spinnaker drop. There are a multitude of possible configurations and the optimal setup will depend on the boat and the crew.

Damien Seguin's IMOCA Groupe APICIL struck by cargo ship and dismasted
Damien Seguin's IMOCA Groupe APICIL was hit by a cargo ship and dismasted around 0330hrs (French time) this morning.

Barton Marine to launch three new product lines at METSTRADE 2022
Barton Marine will be launching three new product lines for the 2023 season and introducing two new team members to the global marine market at METSTRADE in Amsterdam from the 15th to 17th November.

Cyclops 2022 November MPU   Ocean Safety 2021 - MPU
GJW Direct Topper NS1 North event at Leigh & Lowton Sailing Club
It was fantastic to see 52 Toppers signed up to the GJW Direct NS1 north event; a special thank you to Russ Dent of Topper sailboats for being on site providing support to all sailors ensuring boats were prepped and ready to race.

Request for redress granted to Maxi Edmond de Rothschild
Since Wednesday at 14:15 hrs, Charles Caudrelier, deemed to have crossed the start line of the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe too early, was the subject of a procedure.

Sam Goodchild out of hospital
Following yesterday's incident at the start of the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe, Sam Goodchild, skipper of the Ocean Fifty Leyton left hospital this afternoon.

September 2022 MPU   Crewsaver Ergofit MPU
The 2022 Musto Skiff UK Circuit Concludes with a New GBR Chairman
As the sun sets on the 2022 season in the UK, it's worth noting the Musto Skiff class is in great shape with no less than 81 individual competitors over an impressive 14 event series.

Albacore Open at Whitefriars Sailing Club
Albacores from the midlands and south coast converged on the picturesque and friendly Whitefriars Sailing Club in the Cotswolds for their open meeting on 29th October.

RS500s in the Harken RS End of Seasons Regatta at Rutland Sailing Club
Six RS500s travelled to Rutland Sailing Club for the Harken RS End of Seasons Regatta on the weekend of the 5th and 6th of November. The three races on Saturday had a strong breeze of 15 gusting 25 from the south, creating perfect RS500 conditions.

Lennon Thermalite 300x250 1   TMS 2022 - BONOMI MPU
NEW from Henri-Lloyd: Earth-Conscious Super Soft Fleece
Henri-Lloyd's new recycled Techno Pile full zip fleece draws design inspiration from our heritage with retro styling whilst being built for today. Super soft to touch and incredibly warm, this fleece is made from GRS Recycled Polyester.

RS Vareos in the Harken RS End of Seasons Regatta at Rutland Sailing Club
The Harken RS End of Seasons Regatta at Rutland Sailing Club on 5-6 November was the final event of the 2022 RS Vareo Rooster National Tour.

Get set for the RYA Winter Match Racing Series
Entry is now open for the RYA Winter Match Racing Series 2023 which kicks off in RS21s at London's Queen Mary Sailing Club in the New Year. Early bird discount is available until 23.59 on 19 December 2022 for the first event.

RS200s in the Harken RS End of Seasons Regatta at Rutland Sailing Club
Amongst the chaos of the Rutland car park, six RS200s rigged on a grey but breezy November day for the Harken RS End of Seasons Regatta. The forecasted rain hadn't materialised, but the breeze was picking up nicely as racing kicked off on time.

First fan-owned team launches for SailGP
Bernoulli | Locke, a member-based community creating new immersive partnerships and experiences using innovative Web3 structures, today announced they are launching a SailGP fan-owned racing team across Bermuda and the Caribbean.

Deflect the winter weather with Zhik's new Broadside Coat
Zhik's new Broadside Coat, longer in length than most shore jackets, is a refined hooded coat which will take you from wet days along the marina boardwalk to urban living and commuting.

Phantom South East Traveller Series 2022
Overall the series attracted 33 different sailors, some of whom travelled considerable distances to compete. A big thank you to all of the clubs who hosted the events and also to Dover Trussed Roof Company who donated tankards as prizes.

2022 Noble Marine UKLA ILCA 6 Inland Championship at Grafham Water Sailing Club
Twists, turns and shifts. Classic inland sailing with Alastair Brown retaining his ILCA6 crown... but only just.

Golden Globe sailors through Cape Town gate and heading deep South
Dreams shattered for a $20 part, some too slow to finish the challenge, others living life to the extreme and loving it, while a few are troubled by the mind game that is the Golden Globe.

Great start conditions for 12th Route du Rhum start but Goodchild injured, IMOCA duo collide
Postponed for three days due to stormy conditions in the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay today's rescheduled start to the 12th Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe was blessed with near perfect weather conditions.

Irish GP14 Munster Championship at Cullaun Sailing Club
19 boats of from all over Ireland gathered at Cullaun Co. Clare over the weekend of 5-6th November for the last event of the busy year that was 2022 with the GP14 Munster Championship at stake.

Craftinsure returns to sponsor 'Top Class' in Seldén SailJuice Winter Series
Aside from the main contest for overall honours, there are lots of other category competitions including 'Top Class', which is based on taking the best three results from each class in each individual race of the Series.

Marine Resources latest jobs: Scarily good opportunities inside!
Now that all the thrills (and chocolate) of the spookiest night of the year are gone, you might be realising how much adventure and excitement you're missing out on during the rest of the year.

RS21 World Championship at JK Briva Biograd - Overall
The first-ever RS21 World Championship is officially completed. The week has been filled with sunshine, a great variety of light and strong wind conditions, close racing and lively debate on tactics ashore.

Tom Gillard's (almost) perfect 2022
It's hard to win a major championship, fine tuning your boat, your sailing skills, knowing the venue, and putting in that vital time on the water, but sometimes you get a sailor who puts together a season which on paper looks nearly impossible.

Musto Skiff Firecracker Open at Itchenor Sailing Club
The Grand finale to the UK Musto Skiff season was packed with thrills, spills and all to play for. For Dan 'the-man' Vincent, the UK circuit was up for grabs if he won this event in another extremely close season with the formidable Jono Shelley.

Old meets new on Arabian Gulf waters ahead of SailGP weekend
Two traditional wooden dhows join one of SailGP's foiling F50 catamarans in training, ahead of the Dubai Sail Grand Prix presented by P&O Marinas taking place this weekend (November 12-13).

Burton Sailing Club Phantom Open and Midlands Series Overall
The final event of the HD Sails/Ceildeh Phantom Midlands Traveller Series took place at Burton Sailing Club on the 23rd October.

Musto Footwear on deck or dock
Whether you're venturing offshore, or keeping your adventure closer to home, we have the footwear to keep your feet protected. Pair with our selection of socks to offer an extra layer of comfort to any activity.

GJW Direct 2020 FOOTER

Ocean Safety 2021 - FOOTER

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