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Holt Centenary Race at Ranelagh Sailing Club - Preview

by Michael John Gifford 11 Sep 2012 08:08 BST 7 October 2012

It is probably not too much of an exaggeration to say that Jack Holt was one of the most prolific and successful dinghy designers of the 20th Century. Best known for his classic plywood designs for amateur building he was key to the post-war revolution in British dinghy sailing. Suddenly what had been an elitist sport was within reach of the masses.

The Cadet, Mirror, Solo, Enterprise and GP14 remain among the most successful classes even today some 60 years after they were designed, such was the vision and influence of Holt. In addition to these five classes Jack Holt designed a further 13 one design dinghies and numerous International 14, National 12s, Merlin Rockets and International Canoes.

All these classes and any others designed by Jack Holt are now invited to celebrate 100 years since Jack Holt's birth with a one-off race at the venue where it all began. On 7th October, Ranelagh Sailing Club on the river Thames is proud to host a handicap race in memory of Jack Holt. This will start from the clubhouse next to the site of Holt's yard on the Putney Embankment. From there it will head East along the river into the centre of the capital. After passing under seven bridges the fleet will round the one and only Windward Mark moored off Vauxhall before heading back to Putney.

As the Thames is not the most open piece of water we have had to place a limit on entries and so I can only encourage you to enter now for what will without doubt be a truly spectacular day's sailing and a race like no other. Entries opened last week and spaces are filling fast.

All details relating to the Holt Centenary Race can be found on Ranelagh Sailing Club's website at

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