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Australian Musto Skiff Championship at Mounts Bay Sailing Club - Day 2

by Chris Sutherland, Marcus Hamilton & Jon Newman 6 Jan 2013 06:56 GMT 4-8 January 2013

Day 2 was held in the slowly building Fremantle Doctor, in warm sunshine, 38 degrees and 27 degrees water temperature. Reports by the races' third placed helms.

Race 3 (by Chris Sutherland)

Race 3 of the Musto Australian Championships was the first race on a 3 race day Saturday.

The sea breeze filled slowly at 1pm and the PRO got the race started on 245 degrees in 9 to 14 knots

The race was won by Jon Newman in the end after 2 veterans, Arthur Brett legendary Contender and Windsurfing world champion and Chris Sutherland, fought all day. Youth won in the end and we finished in the order of Jon, Arthur and Chris.

Arthur and Chris were part of the fleet at the pin end of the start. Arthur tacked part way up the beat then came left again while Chris went hard left, other guys tacked off and went central. Left paid and Arthur led Chris around the top mark for the first time with heavyweight Ritchie Robertson 3rd.

As the breeze slowly built, Arthur and Chris pulled away from the fleet on the downwind leg with Chris pulling off a brilliant late drop manoeuvre at the bottom mark to sail around Arthur and take the lead.

On the 2nd beat Jon came through with a small shift to take the lead which he held at the top mark and build a small gap down the run. Arthur and Chris continued to battle, with Arthur a little quicker as the wind built towards 12 knots.

In the end Jon extended to lead by a small margin while Arthur just made it over the line ahead of Chris.

It has been a perfect Regatta so far - Perth is a wonderful place to sail.

Race 4 (by Marcus Hamilton)

The 'Freo Doctor' continued to build to 15-20kts, as the fleet pushed hard for a pin end start. Phillips, Newman & Hamilton were first to the left hand side, which was proving to be the favoured side. However, Robertson had worked the shifts perfectly up the centre and had built a commanding lead at the top. Whittington and Schoenoff were in the mix downwind as the fleet closed up, except for Robertson who was still well clear.

The positions of the fleet were unchanged on the second lap as the lead boats protected the left.

On the third and final lap things got interesting - the lead group was split by a ferry coming up the river. Phillips & Hamilton continued left and Newman tacked up the centre of the course. When the boats converged at the top, Hamilton, Whittington & Schoenhoff had benefited from the separation and had closed in on Newman.

Robertson was still well clear and determined to avenge his race 2 capsize, which had cost him the race win. With the pressure building on the course and in Robertson's head as he approached the final gybe to the finish line. It was success! The clean gybe gives Robertson the win.

Phillips held second and Hamilton followed in third ahead of Whittington & Schoenhoff in fourth & fifth respectively.

Race 5 (by Jon Newman)

A clear start and the fleet was away in 15-25 knots. Most of the fleet heading to the left hand shore line awaiting the left shift with the pressure. A few opted to tack out early to not risk the shallows and ended up paying for it.

At the top mark it was Phillips, Hamilton, Newman and Hill. Newman had a bad bear away and end up standing his boat on the nose to result in a capsize with the remaining fleet having to dodge the mess. Phillips and Hamilton took off to put a large gap on the fleet.

Newman played catch up, getting back to 4th behind Thor by the gate. On the next upwind Hamilton and Phillips kept at it, but not much changed between them with Phillips holding a clear lead.

A few shifts saw Newman pass Thor to get back in touch with the leaders by the next top mark. Huge downwind gusts saw the Phillips lead reduce to Hamilton and Newman with Thor close behind still. A bad rounding for Thor with a capsize and it was a 3-boat race for the 3rd lap.

Phillips had a loose cover on Hamilton and Newman with all heading for the left again. A bad tack with a capsize for Newman saw the places locked in and Phillips ended with an easy win. Hamilton survived a wonkey last gybe to remain second with Newman still attacking to come 3rd. Mark Whittington finished 4th followed by Tim Hill in 5th.

More information and full results can be found here.

More photos from the championship by Rick Steuart can be found here.

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