Access Class TT at Carsington Sailing Club
by Keith Stubbs 23 May 2013 14:34 BST
22 May 2013
2013 Access Class TT at Carsington © Ron Sawford
We enjoyed a good day's racing at the seasons third Access Traveller event at Carsington Water Sailing Club, hosted by Carsington Sailability on Wednesday 22nd May. Twelve competitors were competing for the "Duke of Devonshire Cup" and "Bakewell Rotary Shield". The event included four Access Classes and attracted entries from Sailability clubs from as far as the south coast (New Forest and District Sailability).
Sailability Carsington has hosted the event for the past 13th years and it was good to see the sailors as they launched their Access boats from the new jetty.
The day brought 20 mile an hour gusts whilst the wind direction remained constant, and the teams followed a triangular course. Four races were contested, with all competitors on good form. Racing manners were impeccable as the buoys were rounded and the new tack chosen. Collisions were few, but several near misses were observed.
Lunch was eagerly consumed before the afternoon's racing which brought more warmth and good winds. Queues for the hoist moved quickly thanks to supporters, helpers and good humour.
Access 2.3 Class results (Duke of Devonshire Trophy):
First - Lindsay Burns from Frensham Pond
Second - Pat Crowley from Rutland
Third - John Coombs from Rutland
Access 303 One Person Class results:
First place – Monique Foster from Frensham Pond
Second - Paul Philips from Frensham Pond
Third – Tessa Watkiss from Frensham Pond
Access 303 Two Person Class results (Bakewell Rotary Shield):
First - Chris Emmett and Malcolm Kirk from Rutland
Second – Leslie Philip and Hugh Lansdowne from Tideway, London
Access Liberty Class results:
First – David Durston from Rutland
Second - Simon Harle from Rutland
Trophies were awarded by Carsington SC Commodore, Peter White. Dave Durston thanked the Carsington team for an excellent and challenging days sailing.