Hansa Traveller Series at Carsington Sailability
by Mike Stoker 30 May 2014 13:15 BST
28 May 2014

4th event in the 2014 Hansa Class Traveller Series at Carsington Sailability © Ron Sawford
After a wet start to the day competitors enjoyed a good day's racing at the forth Traveller event in the 2014 Hansa series at Carsington Sailing Club hosted by Carsington Sailability on Wednesday 28 May. Fourteen boats competed for the "Duke of Devonshire Cup" and "Bakewell Rotary Shield". The event included four Hansa/Access Classes and attracted entries from Sailability clubs from far and near.
Carsington Sailability has hosted the event for the past 14 years and it was good to see the sailors enjoying the days competition.
The teams followed a triangular course set within view of the clubhouse so that spectators could enjoy the days racing also. Four races were contested, with all competitors on good form. Racing manners were impeccable as the buoys were rounded and the new course chosen. Strong winds with some heavy gusts tested both competitors and rigging with some boats returning to the jetty for repairs and reefing adjustments.
The new additional hoist purchased via a Sport England Grant proved invaluable in speeding up the job of getting competitors on and off the water. Queues moved quickly thanks to supporters, helpers and good humour.
A good lunch menu was available thanks to the Galley and was eagerly consumed before the afternoon's racing began.
Access 2.3 Class
First Place and winner of the "Duke of Devonshire Trophy" - Lindsay Burns - Frensham
Second – Pat Crowley - Rutland
Third – Chris Hole - Rutland
Access 303 One Person Class
First place – Monique Foster - Frensham
Second – Martin (Huricane) Hadley – New Forest
Third – Tessa Watkiss – Frensham
Access 303 Two Person Class
First place and winners of the "Bakewell Rotary Shield" – Chris Emmet and Bill Ridlington - Rutland
Second – Lesley Philip and Hugh Lansdowne - Tideway London
Third – Nichola Brown and Roy Emerson – Scaling Dam
Access Liberty Class
First Place – Simon Harle - Rutland
Second – Wendy Needham - Carsington
The Derek Lee Memorial Trophy was awarded to Wendy Needham. This was the first time this trophy had been awarded to anyone.
Pieter Ten Carsington SC Commodore presented the trophies after thanking competitors for attending.
A vote of thanks was given to the Carsington Team for an excellent and challenging days sailing.