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Budworth Sailing Club Open Day on 9th May

by Hugh Devereux 3 May 2015 12:39 BST 9 May 2015
GP14s sailing at Budworth © Peter Cull

Budworth Sailing Club opens its gates on the 9th May as part of the RYA 'Push the Boat Out' event. This is an opportunity for anyone who is interested in joining the sailing community in the North west to come along to the club, learn about the sport and "have a go".

Perhaps you sailed as a youth and are looking to return. We find many of our members take a break after their teenage years and then return later in life, perhaps when they are themselves bringing up their own children.

The skills and independence that younger sailors gain enables them to grow and enhances their ability in their education as well. Budworth now offers a pathway progression for new members, including both junior and adult training and race coaching.

The aim is to enable new members to progress as quickly as they wish. We sail a range of different classes which are appropriate to the water, however we do limit to specific classes to improve the quality of our fleet racing. These are Laser, Firefly, Fireball, RS200, GP14, Snipe, Solos, Toppers, Optimist Mirror and Feva's.

Budworth offers both social sailing and racing. We race on Saturdays as a handicap fleet, Sundays in one of the Budworth fleets, and on Wednesday evenings as a handicap fleet. We have social sailing and coaching on Friday evenings, and of course the water is available for sailing whenever you want to use it.

Saturday sailing is more relaxed racing with some coaching. Sunday sailing is competitive fleet racing with individual fleet starts. Wednesdays is competitive handicap racing, but with an excellent post racing meal and social held throughout the summer sailing season.

We pride ourselves on the high quality of racing we provide and work to ensure that our Course setting and race management is kept up to scratch.

Budworth SC is based just to the South of Warrington and is just 10 minutes south from Junction 10 of the M56. (On the A559). In the heart of the Cheshire countryside, Budworth is a beautiful location.

If this is of interest to you, then why not take the opportunity of the open day to come and meet us. All the Budworth fleets will be on static display and you'll be able to see racing taking place and have a go in a boat with one of our experienced members. We can provide you with essential kit, but you may want to bring a change of clothes and a towel.

If you don't want to go for a sail, just have a drink and some food with us and chat to the club members, they will be only too willing to share time with you and tell you about the club and the sport.

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