Zhik Winter Promotion: 20% Discount at Ovington Boats
by Ovington Boats 25 Nov 2015 08:40 GMT
25 November 2015

Zhik © Zhik
With the temperatures dropping and winds rising, Ovington Boats are running a 20% discount with free UK delivery on all Zhik products and Vaikobi performance helmets. Sale ends on the 31st December with limited stock available on popular products such as the skiff suits, PFD's and spandex tops so check our website at www.ovingtonboats.com/index.php/shop/clothing.html to view the full range of products on offer.
Along with the Zhik clothing, we are pleased to announce we will be selling our very own premium quality Ovington branded t-shirts! Check out the 49er Rio 2016, FX Rio 2016 and more designs on our site at www.ovingtonboats.com/index.php/shop/clothing.html
The new Spinlock rig-sense tension gauge is the latest product we have to play with. The quality composite leaf spring and robust body gives accurate and consistent readings, straight into kilogrammes for easy use. It can also be used with the free Spinlock Rig Sense app, allowing users to store, edit and swap data on custom templates with others. Check it out at www.ovingtonboats.com/index.php/shop/accessories.html for more information.
Ovington Boats are world-renowned for their excellent craftsmanship, development of high performance racing dinghies and small sailing crafts. The business distributes its boats and spares globally; Ovington also build and design boats to specific requirements.