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Selden 2020 - LEADERBOARD

Leigh on Sea Sailing Club Brass Monkey Race

by Steve Corbet 27 Dec 2015 17:54 GMT 26 December 2015

Another windy race

The traditional end of season race at Leigh on Sea was held on the classical Boxing Day as the tide was favourable this year; however the fresh to strong south westerly wind deterred many of the potential entrants.

Thirteen boats braved the conditions at the start but several failed to make the first windward mark. The Sprint 15 sailed by Daren Fitchew lead from the start and was the only boat to complete 3 rounds of the course. Behind Daren the monohulls were enjoying wild reaches, those who kept the mast pointing at the sky!

At the gybe mark most were sailing well past the mark to avoid the near dead downwind run to the leeward mark, most avoid the gybe by tacking for a safe rounding. The race officer decided that after the fleet had completed 2 rounds that enough sailing had been completed.

The results were calculated using the average lap basis, the winner from the eight boats to finish was Daren Fitchew from Thorpe Bay YC, with second Mike Iszatt from King George SC in his RS600 and in third place Steve Corbet from the home club in a GP14.

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