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43rd Bloody Mary at Queen Mary Sailing Club

by Tony Bishop 9 Jan 2016 18:12 GMT 9 January 2016

International 14 makes a perfect Bloody Mary

Near perfect conditions greeted the sailors of the 6th leg of the GJW SailJuice Winter Series as the 43rd Bloody Mary got under way at Queen Mary Sailing Club. This year attracting 274 entries in 60 classes from 123 clubs.

The Toppers lead by William Penny and Magnus Handley started the race in a steady force 4 and held off the catching fleet but inevitably as the wind increased the RS Feva XL of Michael and Samuel Dyer took the lead coming up to the two hour mark. There was a quick lead change to the Laser of Alistair Goodwin who held off the fleet for a further half a lap. But as the wind increased further to a gusty force 5, testing the skills of many, the International 14 of Neale Jones and Ed Fitzgerald carved their way to first place with over 20 minutes to spare. It was an impressive performance for the 14s with Archie Massie and Harvey Hillary sailing though in to second to make it a one two for the 14s.

The top ten had 7 different classes of boat with 217 making the finish.

  • First Lady helm was Molly Sacker in a Laser 4.7
  • First Queen Mary Helm was Rupert Bedell in a Laser Radial
  • First Grand Master was Philip Meakins in an Osprey
  • First Junior was Alex Smallwood helming a 420
Class prizes were also awarded to 12 class winners with 8 or more boats entered.

Overall Results:

PosClassSail NoHelmCrewClubResult
1stInternational 141555Neale JONESEd FITZGERALDISC1
2ndInternational 141519Archie MASSEYHarvey HILLARYItchenor Sailing Club2
3rdRS8001219Peter BARTONChris FEIBUSCHLymington Town Sailing Club3
4thRS8001166Ralph SINGLETONSophie SINGLETONDatchet Water Sailing Club4
5thFireball15089Ian DOBSONDaniel SCHIEBERSVMC5
6thMusto Skiff487Ben SCHOOLING Datchet Water Sailing Club6
7thMerlin Rocket3722Roger GILBERTJames STEWARTFrensham Pond SC7
8thFireball15122David HALLPaul CONSTABLEBlackwater SC8
9thContender2618Nick NOBLE Portishead Yacht & Sailing Club (PYSC)9
10th5059117Tom GILLARDAndy COUCHHayling Island sailing club10
11thLaser209088Alistair GOODWIN Haversham SC11
12thFireball15096Chips HOWARTHVyv TOWNENDBough Beech12
13th42055015Alex SMALLWOODJames SCOTTDatchet Water Sailing Club13
14thLaser204005Matthew REID Spinnaker SC14
15thMusto Skiff520Dave POSTON Datchet SC15
16thNational 123530Graham CAMMZoe BALLANTYNEBurghfield Sailing Club16
17thInternational 141541Ben MCGRANEOlivier VIDALNetley SC17
18th49er230Samuel CURTISBenjamin CLEGGBrightlingsea SC18
19thFireball14898Paul CULLENAdam WHITEHOUSEWeir Wood SC19
20thOsprey1290Martin COONEYPeter FRITHPoole YC20
21stLaser169280Andrew KERR Bough beech sailing club21
22ndLaser Radial185730Rupert BEDELL Queen Mary Sailing Club22
23rdRS2001389Roger PHILLIPSAli NORRISBurghfield Sailing Club23
24thNational 18406Mark DICKERGregor DAVIDSON & Hugo BERNEYBlackwater Sailing Club24
25thGP1414155Graham FLYNNAdam FROGGATTThe Chase SC25
26thRS6008Richard SMITH Wilsonian Sailing Club26
27thLaser206880Craig WILLIAMSON HISC/University of Portsmouth27
28thNational 123519Jeremy HARTLEYLuke HARTLEYStokes Bay SC28
29thNational 18400James FOXKaan YARGICI & Jo MCLOUGHLANTamesis Sailing Club29
30th5059136Stewart MEARSRichard TUCKERRCYC30
31stLaser 4.7197941Alex BUTLER HISC31
32nd42054536Tom COLLYERAaron CHADWICKAldenham SC32
33rdLaser 4.7197705Molly SACKER Burnham Overy Staithe33
34thScorpion2022Stu HYDONRichard PEPPERDINEStaunton Harold Sailing Club34
35thOsprey1281Terry CURTISRichard BURTONWeymouth SC35
36thMerlin Rocket3756William WARRENMark OAKEYShoreham Sailing Club36
37thOsprey1347Philip MEAKINSBen MEAKINSWarsash SC37
38thMusto Skiff456Serega SAMUS Datchet38
39th29er66Mat CURRELLEve TOWNSENDParkstone Yacht Club39
40thRS Feva XL4530Michael DYERSamuel DYERHerne Bay Sailing Club40
41stRS Feva XL2422Toby MIZZITom CALLANLittleton SC41
42ndMerlin Rocket3735David WINDERPippa TAYLERHollingworth lake42
43rdLaser209834Tim KEIGHLEY West Riding Sailing Club43
44thSupernova1092Iain HORLOCK Exe Sailing Club44
45thLaser Radial203320Gareth Edwards Queen Mary SC45
46thRS4001385Jim DOWNERJon PRICEGurnard Sailing Club46
47thSnipe29977Victor PEREZJenna GIBSONCd Canal47
48thRS4001290David BROWNRebecca WITTQueen Mary Sailing Club48
49th5058384David HITCHCOCKIan NICHOLSONHayling Island SC49
50thEnterprise23349Ann JACKSONAlan SKEENSBurghfield Sailing Club50
51stLaser Radial201836Tom FENEMORE Royal Lymington YC51
52nd42054852Joanna KALDERONBen SHORROCKItchenor Sailing Club52
53rdLaser Radial180238John MCKELVIE Queen Mary Sailing Club53
55th29er2225Iain BIRDJake HARDMANHayling Island Sailing Club55
56thMerlin Rocket3707Alex JACKSONJames WARRENHampton SC56
57thLaser Radial205129James DRIVER North London Sailing Association57
58thLaser189111Neil CROSSOUARD Hill Head SC58
59th42053983Alexander HUGHESTom SMITHSutton SC59
60thLaser Radial207986Eleanor CRAIG Staunton Harold Sailing Club60
61stRS Feva XL5064Joseph BRADLEYBenjamin BRADLEYHill Head Sailing Club61
62ndEnterprise22272Charles ADAMSAlex HALLIWELLWest Lancashire Yacht Club62
64thRS2001481Jack HOLDENAmy YEOMANArun YC64
65thLaser198960Valentin NEDYALKOV London Corinthian SC65
66thLaser Vago DH1443Philip HORNSBYRussell AKESTERQueen Mary Sailing Club66
67thRS Feva XL5460Jack MILLERLauren BENTLEYFelpham Sailing Club67
68thRS Feva XL501Ellen MORLEYSophie JOHNSONBlackwater SC68
69thEnterprise22702Jane SCUTTNick SCUTTMiddle Nene SC69
70thTopper45770Magnus HANDLEY Queen Mary Sailing Club70
71stFirefly3023Barney SMITHAlannah HEBBERTHamble River SC71
72ndStreaker1668James WILSON Staunton Harold Sailing Club72
73rdVortex2014Jonathan CARTER Rickmansworth Sailing Club73
74thLaser209835Edward HIGSON Bartley Sailing Club74
75thRS2001010Steve RestallKatie RestallDown SC75
76thRS300481Martin HARRISON Royal Victoria Yacht Club76
77thEnterprise22501Alice ALLENAndrew MASSEYBCYC77
78thNational 18347Tommy DWYERWilly BERNEY & Ewan O'KEITHRLymYC78
79thFireball14791Angus HEMMINGSSteve CHESNEYEmsworth SC79
80thSolo5080Fraser HAYDEW Papercourt Sailing Club80
81stTopper47634William PENNY Horning81
82ndRS Aero 71023Gareth GRIFFITHS Island Barn Reservoir saiing club82
83rdRS4001203Richard GRAYJon DYASQueen Mary Sailing Club83
84thMerlin Rocket3709Tom LONSDALENinja CREWUTSC84
85thLaser193562George FINCH Royal Harwich Yacht Club85
86thRS200962Andy PetersJill PetersQueen Mary Sailing Club86
87thScorpion2034Rachael RHODESSimon FORBESHayling Island SC87
88thFlying 153900Michael HICKSJames BAXTERQueen Mary Sailing Club88
89thSolo5115Andrew BOYLE Papercourt Sailing Club89
90thD‑Zero156Ian MORGAN hill head90
91stMusto Skiff538Paul MOLESWORTH Datchet Water Sailing Club91
92ndEnterprise23351Johnny ALLENJames HOBSONBCYC92
93rdRS2001345Jonathan LEWISJo TRIBEBurnham S C93
94thRS200626Will TAYLORCaitlin JONESBrightlingsea SC94
95thWayfarer10925Bradley FIELDJamie SOUTHWELLHill Head/ Benfleet95
96thEnterprise22901Paul YOUNGNancy GUDGEONMidland Sailing Club96
97th5058881Neil RABBITTSDarrel SAMANJOULBurton SC97
98thSolo5466Paul PLAYLE Island Barn98
99thMusto Skiff531Andrew GOULD Emsworth Slipper SC99
100thRS400976Tim GARVINJenny DOUGLASQueen Mary Sailing Club100
101stRS2001126David CONLONSarah BINESBrightlingsea SC101
102ndRS400755Tomas SILVAFrederico RABACALQueen Mary SC102
103rdRS600951Michael ISZATT kgsc103
104thMerlin Rocket3676Frances GIFFORDSophie MACKLEYRanelagh SC104
105thMerlin Rocket3715Paul RAYSONChristian HILLFishers Gren SC105
106thNational 18401Oliver HOUSEMANSteve WATTON & Jeremy VINESTamesis Club106
107thTopper47568Abigail HOLDEN Horning SC & Snowflakes SC107
108thRS2001102Greg KELLYGeorge CATCHPOLEIsle of Man Yacht Club108
109thStreaker1681Rupert SMITH Newhaven & Seaford SC109
110thGP1414174Lawrence CREASERAndy HUNTERNorthampton Sailing Club110
111thRS4001453Stuart HALMANAnna WALSHLeigh and Lawton SC111
112thRS Aero 91298Richard WATSHAM Starcross Yacht Club112
113thRS Aero 71689Andrew SNELL Army SA113
114thMusto Skiff364Andrew RICE Stokes Bay Sailing Club114
115thTopper45055Kiyo WONG Island Barn Reservoir Sailing Club115
116thFinn98Cameron TWEEDLE Oxford sailing Club116
117thRS300351James MORLAND Warsash SC117
118thRS400904Grant BLAKEJessica BARKROxford sailing Club118
119thMerlin Rocket3729Dominic BOWNSBen ARCHERLyme Regis Sailing Club119
120thRS200985Chay TAYLORNiamh DAVIESBurnham Sailing Club120
121stLaser209086Sean MULDOON Haversham SC121
122ndInternational 141524Kimball MORRISONJeremy FOWKEItchenor Sailing Club122
123rdLaser198928Kevin SEEBALUCK LCSC123
124thLaser Radial169993David CLAY Reading Sailing Club124
125thMerlin Rocket3682Jon STEWARDAnnabel STEWARDFishers Green Sailing Club125
126th200022558Kev O'BRIENJake O'BRIENRAF Sailing Association / Burghfield SC126
127thMiracle4064Brian JONESPaul BARNESMaidenhead Sailing Club127
128thSolo4932Mike DRAY Island Barn SC128
129thLaser195250Edward BENZ Queen Mary Sailing Club129
130thD‑Zero178Thomas SOUTHWELL Hill Head Sailing Club130
131stLaser141040Gareth RUSSELL Paxton Lakes Sailing Club131
132ndMerlin Rocket3651Colin BROCKBANKKatie WRIGHTWembley SC132
133rdD‑Zero179Mike CORNEY QMSC133
134thLaser Radial186828Nick ROWLANDS Queen Mary Sailing Club134
135thLaser EPS115Mike STOREY Island Barn Reservoir Sailing Club135
136thFinn548Jonathan TWEEDLE Oxford sailing Club136
137th42052205Henri VANDAREYvenat CORENTINCN Rance Fremur FRANCE137
138thD‑Zero191Nigel AUSTIN Cransley Sailing Club138
139thLaser Radial190865Jon CLAY Reading Sailing Club139
140thLaser Radial122676Andrew EVERITT North Herts and East Beds Sailing Club140
141stNational 123484John REESMari SHEPHERDHISC141
142ndLaser208882Soren RUGAARD‑LARSEN Queen Mary142
143rdLaser200890Jeremy HIGSON Bartley Sailing Club143
144th42055402Alain WAHABenjamin WAHARoyal Southern Yacht Club144
145thRS200963Ed GIBBONSRebecca BINESBrightlingsea SC145
146thD‑Zero175Dave WOODS Rossendale Valley SC146
147th200022150Simon MURRAYWayne SHIRLEYRoyal Naval Sailing Association147
148thScorpion1959Chris YATESDave BARKEREastbourne Sovereign Sailing Club148
149thRS Aero 51568Caitlin ATKIN Alton Water Sports Centre149
150th4205405Lainey TERKELSENLucy TERKELSENStone Sailing Club150
151stFirefly3841Alec POWELLAna POWELL RAMALLALLocks Sailing Club151
152ndLaser Radial161552Ed MALLETT Queen Mary Sailing Club152
153rdSnipe29374William MAGUIREEllie GIBSONBough Beech SC153
154thRS Aero 71302Karl THORNE Royal Lymington Yacht Club154
155thLaser Radial173312Andrew MUSSELWHITE Spinnaker Sailing Club155
156thRS Aero 71792Andy HILL HISC156
157thRS400845Douglas CLOWIan HAMILTONIsland Barn Reservoir Sailing Club157
158thRS2001023Liberty ASKEWClaudia WILSONQMSC158
159thLaser188578Steven FOWLES Queen Mary Sailing Club159
160thFireball14323Jazmin SAYEDJoe IRONSIDENewhaven and Seaford Sailing Club160
161stLaser176514Ross PAGE Milton Keynes Sailing Club161
162ndLaser24Leila MOORE Queen Mary Laser Squad162
163rdInternational 141552Andy SHAWAdam LEESItchenor Sailing Club163
164th29er54Robin JONESJoe WHITEHykeham sc164
165thPhantom1297Tom WHITTINGHAM Bowmoor SC165
166thRS Aero 7999Pierre KIEFFER Yacht Club Luxembourg166
167thLaser Radial189352George NELSON Queen Mary Sailing Club167
168thEurope351Peter BELL Highcliffe SC168
169thD‑Zero190Robert CAMPBELL Cransley169
170thD‑Zero170Seb PROWSE Queen Mary Sailing Club170
171stRS4001392Christopher STANTONJules THORNEQueen Mary SC171
172ndMerlin Rocket3714Alan MARKHAMWill BUTLERUpper Thames SC172
173rdLaser190862Ollie PERRY Silver Wing Sailing Club173
174thTopaz Xenon4218Darren LAYTONMichael GUESTEarlswood Lakes SC174
175thRS200974Adam WICKENDENAnais BRAMALLSilverwing Sailing club175
176thLaser153702Charles PARKINSON Queen Mary Sailing Club176
177thRS4001435Matthew SHEAHANEllie SHEAHANNetley Sailing club (ASA)177
178thRS Feva XL62Ethan GERRELLFrancesca GILKSQueen Mary Sailing Club178
179thMerlin Rocket3704Jemma HUGHESRussell HALLThames Sailing Club179
180thLaser Radial210098William RUSSELL Paxton Lakes Sailing Club180
181stLaser Radial21Chris CRADDOCK Queen Mary Sailing Club181
182ndRS2001241CJ CAVALLERIUta GRIESENBACHIsland Barn Reservoir Sailing Club182
183rd20002325Stuart REGNARDCharlotte PLUNKETTLee‑on‑the‑Solent183
184thSolo5138Patrick OVERS Paxton Lakes Sailing Club184
185thLaser195812Samuel ISAACS‑JOHNSON Maidenhead Sailing Club185
186thInternational Lightning14243Sergio MESSINALuke HAGON & Patrick SARSFIELDChipstead SC186
187thLaser Radial200043Matthew LUXTON Staunton Harold Sailing Club187
188thFlying 153521Christopher STAFFORDNeil O'LEARYQMSC188
189thRS2001117Jonny OLINNatalie MESSINGHAMDatchet Water SC189
190thComet867Christopher ROBINSON Burghfield Sailing Club190
192ndRS Vision1710Gilly SCHOFIELDDOG &JohnQMSC/Emsworth192
193rd42049087Carla CANTURRISina STAPELFELTDSouth Bank SC193
194thRS Quest164Laurence JAYSam SAUNDERSSEA CADETS194
195thRS Quest162Tye SHUTTLEWORTHChris BURNSSea Cadets195
196thGP1413941Dennis ADAMSGerry WOODCOCKWelsh Harp Sailing Club196
197thTopper45155Leon STEIN Crawley Mariners Yacht Club197
198thTopper47357Anabelle ESQULANT DSWC198
199thRS Vision1487Richard COWLARDChris ABELLDesborough Sailing Club199
200thRS Feva XL4355Gumley THEOGrahame DORRINGTONWeir Wood SC200
201stRS Quest167Iain PORTERJon RUSSELLSea Cadets201
202ndEnterprise23218Philip CHAMBERSChris PARKERHampton SC202
203rdMerlin Rocket3733The WADEOli WELLSNorthampton Sailing Club203
204thInt Moth4248Neil BAKER Queen Mary SC204
205thD‑Zero Blue108Graham COX Hunts Sailing Club205
206thComet Versa223Sam HOCKINGAl PARKERCotswold Sailing Club (CSC)206
207thD‑Zero193Kevin MOLL Hunts Sailing Club207
208thRS Feva1121Edoardo SIROLLA Queen Mary Sailing Club208
209thRS Quest165Jack MITCHELLMichael BLACKLAWSea Cadets209
210thRS Quest168Penny GILLETTColin BRAZIERSea Cadets210
211thLaser Vago DH757Alex KNIGHTRosie JOHNSONQueen Mary Sailing Club211
212thWayfarer9459Gavin HALLEmma HALLBury Lake Young Mariners212
213thEnterprise8500Stephen SWINCHATTHelen MACVEANBury Lake Young Mariners213
214thRS Vision1475Bob STEERMike BARRETTDesborough Sailing Club214
215th29er1859Oliver BAYLISSIssie SPEIRSQueen Mary215
216thBritish Moth878Starsky TORCHIA Staines SC216
217thRS Quest166Hassan KAMARAGeoff Lewis LloydSea Cadets217
218thLaser Radial298659Daniel WIGMORE Grafham Water Sailing ClubDNC
218thLightning 368116Robert MANGING Thorpe bay yacht clubDNC
218thRS Feva XL5005Jess FLINTAlice LUCYRutland Sailing ClubDNC
218thBlaze799Richard BOTTING Draycote Water Sailing ClubDNF
218thB14748Chris WILMSDaniela ALTQueen Mary Sailing ClubDNC
218thRS500831Peter TOWNENDLee WILDEChelmarsh sailing clubDNC
218thRS Aero 71211Nick EALES Lymington Town Sailing ClubDNC
218thTopper47750Maxi TUSTAIN Island Barn Reservoir Sailing ClubDNC
218th29er1249Kim MAY‑PAPAILIOUTom MITCHELLSurrey Sailing ClubDNC
218thRS Quest161Katrina CEAFrank CEASea CadetsDNF
218thRS Feva3373Ching WONG Island Barn Reservoir Sailing ClubDNC
218thRS8001144Daniel GOODMANDebbie ROBERTSHAWDatchet Water Sailing ClubDNF
218thRS Aero 71219Arnaud BOUCHEZ Club Nautique de WimereuxDNC
218thGP1414023Nick CRAIGTobytastic LEWISFrensham BurghfieldDNF
218thBritish Moth862Harry PAINE Staines SCDNC
218thContender2572Ed PRESLEY Cotswold SCDNC
218th5059156Mike PICKERINGMike PRIDDLERestronguet SCDNC
218thD‑Zero53Rodney COBB Bosham Sailing ClubDNC
218th5059158Paddy LEWISTom HOLLANDDatchet Water Sailing ClubDNC
218th20002473Tim CRIPPSAmy CLAYNotts County S.CDNC
218thRS100 8.4205Jim WICKS Locks Sailing ClubDNC
218thRS4001215Howard FARBROTHERLouise HOSKENQueen Mary SCDNF
218thInternational 141546C DUCHESNEJulian PEARSONItchenor Sailing ClubDNC
218thRS4001447John COOPERBecci WIGLEYLymington Town SCDNC
218thRS400939Steve JaneringRob JaneringQueen Mary SCDNC
218thInternational 141551Colin SMITHPeter HELMItchenor SCDNC
218th29er1220Flossie TANNEREleanor ELDERQueen Mary Sailing ClubDNF
218th42054979Adele YOUNGColette BACONSpinnaker scDNC
218thTopper46046Lily BARRETT Island Barn Reservoir Sailing ClubDNC
218thLaser200875Simon HAWES Queen Mary Sailing ClubDNF
218thTopper46126Federico SIROLLA Queen Mary Sailing ClubDNF
218thSolo4688Alistair ROAF Chipstead Sailing ClubDNF
218thRS2001173Chris LARRAbigail LARRNorthampton Sailing ClubDNF
218thInt Moth4121James PHARE QmscDNF
218th20002078Andy BENNETTSally KELVIELittletonDNF
218thLaser Radial192817Richard DIXON HOACDNC
218thFirefly4125James NICOLLJonathan HOWEWest Oxfordshire Sailing ClubDNC
218thLaser169898Benjamin Timothy FLOWER Starcross Yacht ClubDNC
218thNational 123527Kevin ILESRosie WHITEThorpe Bay Yacht ClubDNF
218thSolo5396Nigel THOMAS Hill Head Sailing ClubDNC
218thLaser 4.7185699Paul JOHNSON QMSCDNS
218thRS Aero 91208Matt THURSFIELD Chelmarsh SCDNF
218thLaser198990Neil PETERS Pevensey bay scDNC
218thRS Feva XL1642Hannah MEREDITHLydia ZAVOSPapercourt Sailing ClubDNC
218thRS Vision1123Mark HARTLEYPaul JOHNSONDesborough Sailing ClubDNC
218thPhantom1184Graham DALE‑JONES Creeksea Sailing ClubDNF
218thFire818Mike LYONS Burghfield SCDNC
218thWayfarer10755Richard BURTONChris MURRAYwoscDNC
218thEnterprise23048Jeremy WHITINGKyna HUYSMANSLondon Corinthian Sailing ClubDNC
218thFarr 3.7405Myles MENCE Lymington Town Sailing ClubDNC
218thOsprey1343Richard MARSHALLAndrew EDMONDSPoole yacht clubDNF
218th29er2231Poppy GILKSBuzz GILKSQueen Mary Sailing ClubDNC
218thD‑Zero177Alistair HILL Grafham Water Sailing ClubDNC
218thRS Feva XL4347Issy WAHAEmily BONFIELDQueen Mary Sailing ClubDNF
218thRS Vision732Martin PUECaroline BUTLERQueen Mary Sailing ClubDNF
218thRS Aero 71340Yves STEFFEN Yacht Club LuxembourgDNF

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