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Rooster RS Aero World Championship at Yacht Club de Carnac - Day 4

by RS Aero International Class Association 28 Jul 2017 09:16 BST 24-28 July 2017

A fourth day of 16-24kn graced the 1st RS Aero World Championship in Carnac France. The 96 sailors from 16 nations are becoming familiar with the wild rides and surfs downwind through the waves on the Brittany coast.

Rooster sailing have provided podium bibs for the top three in each fleet to wear on the water. In the 21-strong RS Aero 9 fleet all was fairly true to form with Marc Jacobi USA taking two more 1sts. Liam Willis GBR managed to wrestle a win from Marc and Greg Bartlett GBR nudging in two 3rds to go into the final day with a 5 point lead over Matt Thursfield GBR for the Bronze.

The biggest entry is in the 61-strong RS Aero 7 fleet and the titanic battle continues for the top spot. Peter Barton GBR came out guns blazing in the first race with a convincing lead to equal the series. A small lead at mark 1 in each of the next two races was not enough to hold off the legendary downwind speed of Steve Cockerill GBR 'Rooster'. Steve took the last two after the two boat battle drove them to a good lead over the fleet and now goes into the final day two points ahead. Paul Bartlett GBR holds a solid third overall with Steve Norbury GBR 'Selden' jumping up to fourth and Sean Craig IRE fifth.

Team Estonia had a great day in the RS Aero 7 fleet on Day 4 with three boats packing out the top ten. Ants Haavel EST moved up to 6th with a 4,6,7. European Silver medallist, Kristo Ounap EST jumped to eighth with a 5,3,8.

Noah Rees GBR goes into the final day with a small lead over Yannick Gloster USA for the Top Youth spot. Liina Kolk EST, Juliane Barthel GER and Sarah Cockerill GBR head the battle for the Lady's title in the 7s.

In the 20-strong RS Aero 5 fleet Andrew Frost GBR pulled out a nice buffer going into the final showdown with a handy 2,1,1. The remaining medal positions are very tight with just three points separating Sander Puppart EST, Andrias Sillaste EST and Kate Sargent GBR (top Lady). Kate showed great downwind technique to again gain places on the run, winning the first race of the day.

The daily Rooster prizegiving saw prizes spreading down the fleets with the leaders awarded their race bibs but unable to win a second day prize. Again the leaders of each fleet gave their top tips to the audience.

Andrew Frost stressed the importance of working hard to gain places to the very end. Marc Jacobi spoke of the benefit of let the boat go on a slightly eased course when experiencing the worst of the waves on the beat. Steve Cockerill of Rooster gave a thought provoking insight into how the rig swings and accelerates as you go over waves upwind, creating a need to sheet in up a wave, and out as it swings forward as you go over the back of a wave.

Day 5 is looking like yet another breezy one so the fleet all looks forward to putting those gems into practice!

Tonight the Awards Ceremony is at 18:00hrs followed by the Panama Party provided by sponsors Ron Abuelo, Panama's premium rum brand, who will be providing rum cocktails with a nautical theme for all competitors.

Bring on Day 5!

Keep in touch via the RS Aero Facebook group at

5 rig results after day 4:

PosSail NoHelmClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10R11R12Pts
1GBR 1312FROST AndrewSUTTON BINGHAM SC ‑ Great Britain14313331121117
3EST 1929SILLASTE AndriasPIRITA SVERTPAADIKLUBI ‑ Estonia41146713532327
4GBR 2130SARGENT KATESALTASH SC ‑ Great Britain52RDG24442214629
5GBR 1107POE BenBINGHAM SC SUTTON ‑ Great Britain33455555655545
6GBR 1795ISAACS‑JOHNSON SammyMAIDENHEAD SC ‑ Great Britain76899688886772
7GBR 2100WILLIS JulieLUYMINGTON TOWN SC ‑ Great Britain656118111414117101287
10USA 2381GLOSTER CatherineSANTA BARBARA SEASCHELL ‑ United States Of America8771211913912109991
11GER 1909DOMRES JörnGermanyDNCDNCDNC878961098894
12GBR 1264CRAVEN JackieGreat BritainDNCDNCDNC71012101013121114120
13USA 2388SOLNICK MelissaSEBAGO ‑ United States Of America108OCS131414171215151511127
14AUS 1854GILLAM SUSANNAHBLACK ROCK YC ‑ AustraliaDNFDNFDNF141513121114131615144
15FRA 1372CLERGEAU Leon philippeNPB ‑ FranceDNCDNCDNC1513RET151516SCP1413158

7 rig results after day 4:

PosSail NoHelmClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10R11R12
1GBR 2319COCKERILL StephenSTOKES BAY SC ‑ Great Britain221121121211
2GBR 2093BARTON PeterLYMINGTON TOWN SC ‑ Great Britain113212212122
3GBR 1930BARTLETT PaulSTARCROSS YC ‑ Great Britain332343DNFUFD4353
4GBR 1232NORBURY SteveWARSASH SC ‑ Great Britain54996612869105
5IRL 2382CRAIG SeanROYAL ST GEORGE YC ‑ Ireland7561275598799
7GBR 2147WARBUTON JohnCHEW VALLEY LSC ‑ Great Britain6851412811511876
8EST 1871OUNAP KristoPIRITA SVERTPAADIKLUBI ‑ Estonia8UFD1081015101013538
10GBR 2346ROLFE BenBURGHFIELD SC ‑ Great BritainDNCDNCDNC5594451144
11GBR 1093SMITH CameronCHELMARSH SC ‑ Great Britain10111213161681910101611
12GBR 1817JONES ChrisSUTTON BINGHAM SC ‑ Great Britain13163511811171217121210
13AUS 2380STEPHINSON II PeterMIDDLE HARBOUR ASC ‑ Australia1461115131861329161320
14EST 1867OUNAP MartinPIRITA SVERTPAADIKLUBI ‑ Estonia11131716112213141613815
15GBR 2157ROLFE NigelBURGHFIELD SC ‑ Great Britain9913201512141620141117
16GBR 2146CLAPHAM JamesROYAL TORBAY YC ‑ Great Britain1619761910281128151712
17GBR 2148GRIFFITHS GarethISLAND BARN RES SC ‑ Great Britain191416423232123156RDGRDG
18GBR 1230REES NoahTORPOINT MOSQUITO SC ‑ Great Britain181015211414202619222613
19FRA 2134WOODCOCK TimothyC V MULHOUSE ‑ France202020251819151733311414
20EST 1873KOLK LiinaSAAREMAA MS ‑ Estonia151519182525181514242035
21USA 2379GLOSTER YannickSANTA BARBARA YSF ‑ United States Of America262621231713193112261516
22GER 1903BARTHEL JulianeSEGLER CLUB DUMMER ‑ Germany172118222129161818172121
23GBR 2320COCKERILL SarahSTOKES BAY SC ‑ Great Britain23UFD22312226242425192219
24GBR 2162CHAPLIN PeterBURGHFIELD SC ‑ Great BritainDNF1825243017313031181930
25GBR 1715PECKHAM JaneGURNARD SC ‑ Great Britain312334272427263722251823
26RUS 1877IVANOVSKIY VladislavYC SANKT‑PETERSBURG ‑ Russia2534273226212227212127DSQj
27GBR 2104WILLOWS RichardROADFORD LAKE SC ‑ Great Britain3225DNF1929DNF382023SCP3328
28GBR 2161ROBSON PaulREADING SC ‑ Great Britain383331172837232537273018
29GBR 1792HILL AndyHAYLING ISLAND SC ‑ Great Britain22UFD26383131322926232425
30USA 2385DUBOIS DougUS SAILING ‑ United States Of America2822242627SCP292842332532
31GBR 2101HOBDAY ChrisGURNARD SC ‑ Great BritainDNFDNFDNF302024252224342327
32UAE 2383HORNUNG JuliusDUBAI OFFSHORE SC ‑ United Arab Emirates273236333430352127323826
33GBR 1575CARLETON MarkPAPERCOURT SC ‑ Great Britain303033293733273232283433
34GBR 1921CLAPHAM CharlesCHEW VALLEY LSC ‑ Great Britain293132354132333330402924
36GBR 1568ATKIN CaitlinWHITSTABLE YC ‑ Great Britain242923344635344038303734
37GBR 1108PEARCE CharlieDABCHICKS SC ‑ Great Britain342830373234363634293529
38GBR 1062PHILLIPS DanRIPON SC ‑ Great Britain362428363320DNFDNFDNF362822
39GBR 1846FRASER SteveEAST LOTHIAN ‑ Great Britain332729SCP3640453535383236
40GER 1767BRUMMUNDT SebastianFUERSTENBERGER YC E.V. ‑ Germany3538434135DNF303436353137
42GBR 1685GREENWOOD LucyOXFORD SC ‑ Great Britain373738423936444543454441
43GBR 1258CRAVEN NickYORKSHIRE DALES SC ‑ Great Britain454037404444423844393643
44NED 2373ENDE VincentZEILSCHOOL AALMEER ‑ The NetherlandsSCPSCPSCP444541393940434339
45OMA 2384GRAMKOW DirkRA AL HAMRA SC ‑ OmanDNF35SCP434342434341464738
46GBR 2057HILL SimonHAYLING ISLANG ISLANG SC ‑ Great Britain4442414648DNF414439484042
47NED 2189COLE MarkGWV DE VRIJBUITER ‑ The Netherlands40DNFDNF494239SCP4245413944
48USA 2387SOLNICK DavidSEBAGO ‑ United States Of America43UFD3947474340DNFDNF474140
49AUT 2389TSCHIDA ChristianYC THERESIANISCHE MILAK ‑ AustriaDNF43455250DNF474646514845

9 rig results after day 4:

PosSail NoHelmClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10R11R12Pts
1USA 1818JACOBI MarcCEDAR POINT YC ‑ United States Of America11131211121111
2GBR 1551WILLIS LiamLYMINGTON TOWN SC ‑ Great BritainSCP2266122213220
3GBR 1637BARTLETT GregSTARCROSS YC ‑ Great Britain74412333336329
4GBR 1744THURSFIELD MattCHELMARSH SC ‑ Great Britain43325544442434
5GBR 1489FREELAND TobyDOWNS SC ‑ Great Britain35643666665549
6GBR 1171WRIGHT FfinloISLE OF MAN YC ‑ Great Britain1067544578107760
7USA 2390THIRUMALAI MadhavanCEDAR POINT YC ‑ United States Of America1288DSQj7795554664
8EST 1086POOPUU GertPIRITA SVERTPAADIKLUBI ‑ Estonia1310109998910713889
9SWE 2072BATH ChristerROYAL GOTHENBURG YC ‑ Sweden81111811127151291716104
10GBR 2318HOOD JimLYMINGTON TOWN SC ‑ Great Britain1114DNF12138148714109106
12NED 1869VOS GerardWSV GIESBEEK ‑ The Netherlands1413121412111210138910110
13AUS 2133REFFOLD SimonBALMORAL SC ‑ Australia16DNFDNF10101013131115812118
14GBR 2168BURDALL OliverNORFOLK BROADS YC ‑ Great Britain1912DNF111415DNCDNCDNC161411156
15SUI 1523GERSTER AndreasSC SCHLOSS GREINFENSEE ‑ SwitzerlandSCPjDNFDNFSCP1514151415171814156

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