K1 class review of the RYA Dinghy & Watersports Show 2025
by Hilly King 25 Feb 17:01 GMT
22-23 February 2025

Simon Hawkes finishes 2nd overall in the Seldén Sailjuice Winter Series 2024/25 © K1 Class
After a very successful 2024, the K1 class started its new season with a bang at the RYA Dinghy & Watersports Show held at Farnborough International Centre over the weekend of 22nd & 23rd February.
Ovington Boats provided a fabulous new boat and together with enthusiastic volunteers we constructed a stand to be proud of which this year also incorporated video loops of the K1 in action. Catching up with old friends on the other stands is always one of my favourite aspects of the show and having a sneak preview of the vast array of beautiful boats and merchandise.
Saturday is always extremely busy so with a significant caffeine infusion the rostered volunteers greeted, informed and demonstrated the qualities of the K1 to an audience that at times not only filled the stand but the walkways as well, all keen to understand as much as possible about the K1. For those not familiar with the K1 it has a keel which is raised and lowered for launching and recovery. The boat is often described as the ultimate keeled hiking dinghy for single handed racing. With a first class racing programme throughout the UK and a supportive quality builder orders continue to be strong. The K1 has proven to be competitive in large mixed fleets and indeed one of the successes at this show was seeing Simon Hawkes being presented with his prizes for coming second overall in the Sailjuice winter series. We have been close before so a target for this year is to go one place better and lift the trophy!
Existing owners visiting the stand were keen to view the prototype weed disperser which has been developed to allow you to push the weed away from the keel without the necessity to sail backwards. The concept looks great so the next step is to try it in practice.
You will see from the enclosed photographs that when not in use it clips to the hull around the keel and when in use simply push down and then lift again. I have been informed once perfected it will be an easy retro fitting accessory.
Packed into our busy schedule was the K1 AGM and I would like to thank the RYA for providing meeting rooms which allow meetings such as our to be zoomed to an audience all over the world. We were happy to welcome one of our owners from Australia so a very early start for him and great to catch up. The packed room was updated on the activity of our sponsors which include Ovington Boats and Craftinsure insurance. A draw was made where one lucky member won a years free boat insurance. Jeremy and the Officers of the association gave an overview on forthcoming events, training, finance and membership all of which was positively received. The biggest cheer was saved for the presentation of a life membership award to David Hume for his unwavering commitment to the K1 class over many years. We all wish him well as he hangs up his lifejacket and are pleased to know his son will continue sailing his precious K1.
Back to the Class Association stand and the visitors did not stop coming. I was informed that around 9000 people attended the show over the two days and it felt like most of those must have stopped off at the K1 stand! I was told on numerous occasions that our boat was one of the most attractive at the show, however I cannot disagree with the judges that voted Matt's Albacore dinghy winner of the Concours prize, well deserved. There's always next year!
Wow, day one gone in a flash and barely time to take in the excellent talks, bring on Sunday.
Arriving early it seemed most exhibitors had decided to do exactly the same thing so a steady stream of cars arrived at Farnborough International at the crack of dawn. Whilst certainly numbers were down on Saturday it was still a busy Sunday and visitors remained throughout the day which was certainly different to last year. The hard working volunteers each were able to attend a lecture of their choice and I was lucky enough to catch the presentation by Simon Rowell on Meteorology which was fascinating, however each of our stand volunteers were waxing lyrical regards the presentation they were lucky enough to attend. So to recap, the K1 attracted bucket loads of attention which I understand has already brought new members into the class, increased boat sales and current owners determined to do more open events in 2025. Wonderful catching up with friends old and new and enthusing all ages to enjoy every minute they can on the water. I may be a little biased but seeing smiles and hearing laughter for the full two days on our K1 Class Association stand is the best kick start for 2025. Our first Open Event is at Barnt Green Sailing Club on Saturday 15th March and Geoff and his team will give everyone great sailing and a warm welcome, so see you there!