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Enterprise match racing worlds at Etherow Country Park

by Tony Woods 25 Nov 2008 06:38 GMT 22 November 2008
The Enterprise Match Racing 'Worlds' is held at Etherow Country Park © Tony Woods

One of the smallest sailing clubs in the country, Etherow Country Park Sailing Club based near Stockport, Cheshire, hosted the 2008 Enterprise World Match Racing Championships on Saturday 22nd November. The event, in its second year, was advertised as a World Championships on the basis that there isn’t another Match racing event in the Enterprise calendar.

The World Championships event gained credibility as all entrants were designated a flag of the individual country they were assigned. This move alone attracted some support from non sailing tourists from Japan and Germany who happened to be walking around the lake as the competition started.

Picking a winner from the 21 entries was going to be difficult with a mixture of experienced match racers, youthful talent from nearby Glossop Sailing Club, and fast Enterprise sailors such as Jonathon Woodwood and Alec Halliwell.

After a briefing by the umpire Tony Woods which assisted the sailors in the format and rules of match racing the first round draw kicked off in a pleasant but cold force 2-3. The first round winners went straight in to the last 16, with all first round losers getting another chance to make the trophy stage. Woodwood and Halliwell are usually one of the safest Enterprise teams in the country, but got caught by a gust on the second beat to be the first capsize of the day.

This gave Etherow commodore ‘Ian Renshaw’ a surprise win and a place in the last 16 draw. All the matches were close with results only decided in the last few boat lengths.

There was a marked improvement in the match racing technique as the day progressed, and the umpire was called on more frequently to give penalties. Most decisions went without controversy, but Karen Morris and Lisa Woods (who happened to be the umpires wife and sister-in-law) had to be warned about their language and future conduct!

After 32 races taking most of the day it was down to the semi final stage. Innes Armstrong and Andrew Davey representing Spain won the start against Steve and Diane Blackburn representing Germany (last year's winner) and got away on the first triangle. Steve made the most of more wind on the run shadowing Innes all the way. Innes kept his cool knowing that if he could keep his lead to the leeward mark his turn to be the aggressor would come on the beat. Innes tight covered Steve all the way not letting Steve breath until the finish.

The other semi final was Steve and Danielle Graham representing Japan, against Karen Morris and Lisa Woods from Thailand. The pre-start was the most aggressive of the day with penalties being given to both sailors before the start. Morris and Woods gained a slight advantage at the start taking the Grahams beyond the lay line for the first mark. They kept their lead all around lap 1, but failed to cover tight enough at the last leeward mark giving the Grahams one chance to engage their opponents. Steve just managed to get though Karen and Lisa after luffing up to head to wind for a good 30 seconds. Once in the lead Steve held his nerve to the finish. Lisa and Karen dusted themselves down to win the third place play off against Steve and Diane in the next race.

The final was an absolute classic race, with all the competitors and supporters on the lake wall giving their support. The pre-start was furious with both Innes and Steve circling to attempt to gain the advantage. As the gun went for the start the start looked even. The tacking duel was keenly watched by the umpire looking for any attempts to break Rule 42. The lead changed numerous times throughout the race with the lead never reaching more than a few metres. Innes and Andy just gained the lead on the last leg and crossed the line to a standing ovation and cheering from the not in-significant crowd. Who said Sailing isn’t a spectator sport.

Innes and Andy thanked Etherow Country Park Sailing Club for their superb organisation and a special thanks to those club members that had lent their boats for the event.

Overall Results:

1st Innes Armstrong and Andy Davey (Spain and Burwain S.C.)
2nd Steve and Danielle Graham (Japan and Burwain S.C.)
3rd Karen Morris and Lisa Woods (Thailand and Etherow S.C.)
4th Steve and Diane Blackburn (Germany and Pilkington S.C.)

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