Burghfield Sailing Clubs Wednesday Series breaks records
by Nigel Milligan 24 Jun 2009 09:54 BST
Burghfield Sailing Club's Wednesday Evening Series has grown in popularity every year and the first series of 2009, which finished last week, broke new records. There was an average of 64 entrants to each race over the nine race series with a staggering 82 entrants to the race on the 20th May, followed by 78 entrants on the 3rd June.
Overall there were 171 different entrants to the whole series which is probably explained by the very popular format - pursuit races with individual handicaps which are adjusted as necessary after each race. This must be the most level form of racing and in the end there were only 4 points between 1st and 3rd. The overall winner was Alex Reeve in a Phantom, second place Sam Pearce in an Optimist and third place went to Graham Camm and Clare Hunter in a National 12.
Competitors travelled from Berkshire, Hampshire, Oxfordshire and West London and were from all age groups and abilities, sailing the widest imaginable range of boats. The big challenge still remains - to win two races back to back - can it be done?
The second series of 9 races starts tonight (24th June) so if you would like to find out more, and possibly take on the challenge, go to the club website at www.burghfieldsailing.org