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J Composites J/99
Product Feature
Zhik Microfleece Hikers
Zhik Microfleece Hikers

Sprint 15 National Champs at Pentewan Sands Sailing Club

by Keith Newnham 31 Aug 2009 23:29 BST 23-25 August 2009
A great fleet at the Sprint 15 National Championships 2009 © Mike Ward

Pentewan Sands Sailing Club in Cornwall hosted the 2009 Sprint 15 national championships, this was the 8th time that the class has chosen this venue to stage their annual showdown, and with 60 boats entered the promise of an exciting 3 days racing was assured.

With overcast skies and a steady force 3 breeze the race officer, Mike Ward, got the practice race underway on the Sunday morning, just a single lap to get the feel of what was to come, after which the fleet came ashore for lunch in preparation of the afternoons sailing.

Race 1
The afternoon racing was of a back-to-back nature, with race 1 starting with an increased wind speed of 3-4 and with a very lumpy sea-state, Kyle Stoneham from Thorpe Bay Yacht Club seemed to revel in the conditions and he won with Robin Newbold from Carsington Sailing Club second and Steve Sawford of Rutland Water Sailing Club third.

Race 2
The second race of the day saw Thomas Sandal from Grafham Water Sailing Club take the winning spot, with Kyle Stoneham second and Kevin Morris also of Grafham third. Getting back to the shore early was a big incentive to doing well in the race, the first ones there got the help in getting up that gently sloping beach.

Race 3
Monday saw a decrease in wind speed but still with the lumpy sea-state making the beat to windward more difficult; it was once again Kyle Stoneham taking the first spot, with Keith Newnham from Shanklin Sailing Club second and Thomas Sandal third.

Race 4
By the afternoon the wind had increased to a possible force 4 and the start line had a slight port tack bias and so saw some brave souls attempting port tack starts. But, with the 60 strong fleet accelerating away from the line, the problems of how to break through were always present, but the returns could be worthwhile when achieved. Those on port sailed across the waves, towards the shore and into the calmer water, while those on starboard had to contend with the lumpy sea state for much longer. Kyle Stoneham was first, Robin Newbold second and Martyn Ellis from Thorpe Bay Yacht Club third.

Race 5
This race was sailed back-to-back with race 4, Kyle Stoneham once again taking the honours, Thomas Sandal second and Chris Black from Grafham Water Sailing Club third.Mondays racing was akin to the cricket matches from a few years ago, streakers would always be charging across the pitch, we also had a so-called interloper on the course, but I’m sure we’ll hear a lot more of him in future events.

Race 6
Tuesday started with the sun shinning and a wind strength about force 2, but as the fleet waited for the committee boat to take station black clouds started looming and the wind increased to maybe force 4. The fleet got away first time but quickly spread out, first was Keith Newnham from Shanklin, with Thomas Sandal from Grafham second and John Postlethwaite from Beaver Sailing Club third.

Race 7
Once again there was a slight port tack bias and a very gradual wind shift heading the fleet away from the line, 3 boats rounded the windward mark with about a 50 metre lead, after rounding mark 4 the wind decreased to a force 3 and there was another shift which allowed the following boats to fetch the windward mark, and at the end of the lap the race officer wisely shortened the course and finished the race, which was won by Mark Aldridge of Grafham Water Sailing Club, second was Neil Parkhurst from Beaver Sailing Club and third was John Manning also from Beaver.

The prizes for this years championships were presented by Roger Lewsey, commodore of Pentewan Sands Sailing Club; first was Kyle Stoneham from Thorpe Bay Yacht Club with Thomas Sandal of Grafham Water Sailing Club second and Keith Newnham from Shanklin Sailing Club third.

After the championship racing the fleet moved on to a 3 day fun programme which included a cruise to Goran Havan, a Go-Kart Competition and a treasure trail plus lots of socializing. The class would like to thank the Pentewan Sands Sailing Club for their hospitality and running an excellent Championship Event.

The author of this piece of drivel (sorry, article) would like to thank the ZZ Top look-a-like for those excellent pasties (or was it Father Christmas doing his summer job?), but would like to apologize for the fact that after the event all of the races seem the same, so you’ll find there could be scant regards as to the truth, but at least the names are correct to show up the guilty.

P.S. But I did have a great time!

Final Standings
1st K Stoneham (Thorpe Bay) 6pts
2nd T Sandal (Grafham) 12pts
3rd K Newnham (Shanklin) 16pts
4th R Newbold (Carsington) 29pts
5th S Sawford (Rutland) 29pts
6th J Postlethwaite (Beaver) 36pts
7th M Ellis (Thorpe Bay) 36pts
8th E Holmberg (Shanklin) 43pts
9th G Howlett (Shanklin) 47pts
10th M Aldridge (Grafham) 48pts

1st C & E Watson(Halifax)
2nd S & L Giles (Shanklin)
3rd J & S Britton (RYA)

Youth Trophy
1st J Turnbull (Seasalter)
2nd W Baker (Shanklin)
3rd J Aldridge (Grafham)

Over 50s
1st F Sandells (Grafham)
2nd G Goldstone (QMSC)
3rd E Browne (Marconi)

Over 60s
1st K Newnham (Shanklin)
2nd E Holmberg (Shanklin)
3rd G Howlett (Shanklin)

1st K Ball (Grafham)
2nd S Pierce (Shanklin)
3rd D Turnbull (Seasalter)

Most Improved
1st E Holmberg (Shanklin)
2nd C & E Watson(Halifax)
3rd S Pierce (Shanklin)

Teams Standings
1st Shanklin (106pts)
2nd Grafham (114pts)
3rd Beaver (178pts)
4th Thorpe Bay (188pts)
5th Carsington (190pts)
6th Marconi (286pts)
7th Seasalter (338pts)
8th Queen Mary (400pts)

Pro-Am Winners: S Petts + K Newnham

Most Persistent: Keith Persin (Thorpe Bay)

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