Classic Dinghy Regatta at Thames Sailing Club this weekend
by Philippa Hutton 15 Jul 2011 23:39 BST
23-24 July 2011
The Thames Sailing Club Vintage and Open Regatta is run annually in conjunction with the Classic and Vintage racing Dinghy Assoc and is aimed at all racing dinghies built pre-1985 in wood or plastic. It’s run on a picturesque stretch of the Thames in Surbiton in Surrey where the TSC has been sailing since 1870, making the TSC the oldest river sailing club in the country.
It’s a 2 day event on the 23rd/24th July though there are single day prizes for those who can’t make both days. Competitors and spectators will also be able to see the mighty Thames A Raters competing in their own Vintage series. Many of these are now over 100 years old and still raced hard.
The TSC sailors are a friendly bunch who always offer a warm welcome. Particularly this year though, as they are fighting a development upstream of the club that could damage sailing in the long-term at the club. As part of the fight, they are trying to get maximum numbers on the water as much as possible this year – especially for these regattas. So please, if people can attend they’d be very grateful.
The club would also like to extend an invitation to the party on the Saturday night which is the big annual party with good food and live music. The party ticket price has been specially reduced to £15 per head for all visitors who pre-book. There is limited camping space available on a first come, first serve basis, and there is an accommodation list for those who prefer not to slum it.
Find directions, a poster and the notice of race on the Y&Y event page.