WETA's for disabled people
by Mike Wood on 10 Dec 2016

Best performanc with crew to ballance the boat Mike Wood
While the Paralympic world ponders the technicalities of disabled people you may be interested to know that disabled people in the UK have been sailing and racing them for over 10 years.
The UK's Disabled Sailors Association (DSA) has a small fleet of Wetas and either provides dinghy sailing free of charge to disabled people or loans boats to people who promise to use them on a regular basis.
It is very easy indeed to adapt the Weta and the DSA provides modifications which allow any disability to sail them, single handed or with one or two crew. The most popular 'mod' is fitting a racing seat on the centre line allowing severely disabled people to enjoy this versatile craft.
Two Wetas are kept on the Mar Menor in Southern Spain which allows all year round sailing and racing and inexpensive holidays.
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