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Selden 2020 - LEADERBOARD
The Club moorings at St Pierre Pill are set between the two Severn Estuary road crossings, very close to where some of the largest tidal currents in the world occur. It is a very quiet haven where all manner of bird life can be watched, particularly waders, shell duck and sparrow hawks. It is often teeming with fish, particularly mullet which, as the tide comes in, can be seen skimming the surface of the water to feed.

The boats are well protected from the worst of any weather and wave action, since the moorings are out of the main estuary flow. Some of us even swim in the Pill, not always intentionally! The tide plays a vital part in what we do and when we do it.

The Severn Estuary rightly has an awesome reputation, but in our situation it is almost benign. With correct timing, and appropriate seamanship, we are able to sail from the Pill near high water, when it is difficult to run aground anywhere.

The club has been here for over fifty years.
Product Feature
Technical Marine Supplies - Mantagua - Certified LED Navigation Lights
Technical Marine Supplies - Mantagua - Certified LED Navigation Lights
Chepstow and District Yacht Club Chepstow and District Yacht Club