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Cyclops Marine 2023 November - LEADERBOARD
The Broads Radio Yacht Club (BRYC), which has been in existence for more than thirty years organises racing events for International One Metre (IOM), Radio Marblehead (RM) and Radio Six Metre (R6M) classes of boats on most Sundays throughout the year, and informal racing and practice sessions on Wednesday mornings.

We meet on the southern waterfront of Ormesby Little Broad at Filby, within the grounds of Filby Bridge Restaurant, off the A1064 between Acle and Great Yarmouth.

Our sailing water is exclusive to the BRYC with no disturbance from other water users, pollution or debris to impede racing. Facilities include a restaurant/café, toilets, private parking and a grassed area for yachts between races. We also have exclusive use of a boat, with an electric outboard motor fitted, for the safe retrieval of yachts should this be necessary. Safety and first aid equipment is always on hand.
Product Feature
Allen Triple Dynamic Block With Cleat & Becket
Allen Triple Dynamic Block With Cleat & Becket