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Sailingfast 2018 728x90
North Herts & East Beds Sailing Club is a friendly family oriented sailing and windsurfing club based in the North Hertfordshire / East Bedfordshire border at Arlesey. We have an excellent clean lake suitable for all types of water activities.

We have a regular and active racing programme and run regular training sessions for all levels of sailors.

Whether you are an active sailor, or would like to know more about the sport in our area, then please contact us and we will give you all the information you need. We have club boats available to try out if you are not sure about taking up the sport or what sort of boat would meet your needs.

We are a family oriented club and provide events for all age ranges. Children and beginners of any age can learn to sail at the Friday Social Sailing Sessions, the Saturday Argonaut Sessions or the Saturday Social Sailing Sessions. These are all run during the summer months with skilled instructors and full safety provision. Young children have a chance to learn in Optimists (truly unsinkable and almost impossible to capsize) or, for those a little larger, Toppers, both of which provide an excellent introduction to sailing in a safe and reassuring environment. Pleasure sailors and cruisers can sail at any time on the Blue Lagoon and meet up with other families for BBQ's and sunny days by the water.
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