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Civil Service Sailing Association Championships

by Amanda Bowens 24 Jun 2003 08:10 BST

21/22nd June 2003

The annual Civil Service Sailing Association (CSSA) Championships took place at Netley Cliff Sailing Club, Southampton Water on 21/22nd June 2003. The majority of the forty-three entrants came from three civil service sailing clubs: Fishers Green, Littleton and the host club Netley Cliff.

Diverse weather over the weekend provided conditions to suit everyone. A breezy force 5 practice race on the Saturday morning was followed by the first two championship races in light force 2 winds and bright sunshine.

Sunday began with two races, back to back in blustery force 5-6 winds. The Netley Cliff rescue boats provided excellent cover in the challenging conditions. The final championship race on Sunday afternoon took place in a gentler force 2-3.

The CSSA Championships wasn’t all hard work and no play. The Saturday night social included a BBQ with jazz band that went down a storm (quite literally as it turned out!). A seemingly inexhaustible supply of home made cakes and sandwiches were provided for competitors throughout the weekend.

The racing ran very smoothly with a variety of courses clearly marked and notified. Results were posted before most competitors came off the water and fine touches included people on hand to transport boat trolleys to and from the waters edge and to mind competitors belongings.

The Championships was a mixed class average lap racing event. The fleet comprised twenty different classes, six of which were represented in the top 10 overall placings. Sailing kit prizes were supplied with the help of Andark Diving and Watersports and presented by Lindsey Richardson, Sports and Leisure Executive for the Southern and South Eastern regions of the Civil Service Sports Council.

In 2004 this event will again take place at NCSC, and is provisionally planned for 10/11th July. All Civil Servants and members of Civil Service sailing Clubs will be welcome to compete. Please check the Netley Cliff Sailing Club website for further details (

Overall Results:

PosBoat TypeHelmCrewClub
1st RS 400 Stephen Middleton Chris Rowland  
2nd RS 600 Rob Chaplin  Littleton SC 
3rd Wayfarer Alan Wallace John Price Fishers Green SC 
4th RS 200 Paul Rayson Julie Rayson Fishers Green SC 
5th Solo Cliff Cranshaw  Littleton SC 
1st Junior Topaz Uno Robert Wright  Netley Cliff SC 

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