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J80 Worlds at Fort Worth Boat Club - Day 3

by Event Website 17 Oct 2003 10:14 BST

The prestigious team of International Judges has been kept very busy this week, sorting through multiple protests on each day of racing. Arthur Wullenschleger of Fort Lauderdale, Florida is serving as Chief Judge, with Mary Savage of Larchmont, New York, Ruth Miller of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Bill Cheek and Don Macintyre of Canada. Arbitrators for the event are Cliff Black of Chicago and Bill Simpson of Dallas.

Speed Clinic participants at last night's informal forum took some gentle ribbing when questions were raised about whether Craig White (Warrior) liked his jib trimmed heavy or light and introductions were requested for the pretty crew members of John Kolius' (Grrrr) team. John and Caleb Borchers are sailing with members of Joanne Kolius' high school sailing team in LaPorte, Texas. Borchers described these young ladies as totally professional from gun to gun, highly skilled and each of them a great asset to the boat.

Sunny windy and warm. South breeze 15-25. High temperature 84. Such was the prediction for today's racing and the competitors saw great wind, good lanes and lots of shifts with winds building through the late morning and early afternoon. Knocking at the door of the leaders with impressive finishes yesterday and today were Steve Hammerman (USA77), Dave Hammett (USA87), Magnus Molin (USA113) and Craig White (USA256). Rick Schaffer (USA399) was making a strong showing until the last race of the day found him tangled with the weather mark.

The morning check-in found most competitors smiling and happy to see good breeze settled in from the same direction as yesterday. The first race was started with only a single boat over early. The fleet split evenly about half way up the 1-mile weather leg, but most boats chose the east side of the course on the first downwind and rounded both port and starboard leeward gates. Jay Lutz (USA 531) took an early lead and extended to finish 10 boat lengths ahead of Kerry Klingler (USA352) with Christer Faith-Ell (243) finishing third. Several protests were noted.

The second race was set at 180 with winds at 15-18 knots. After one general recall and adjustment of the starting line, the second attempt was a good start with a single competitor over the line, clearing quickly and heading up the lake. Warrior was leading on the first downwind leg with Perigee close on her heels and Boomerang and DnA right behind. By the time they crossed the finish line, Boomerang was way ahead of the pack, Sting (Chris Block USA67) had come in like gangbusters for second, Kolius' team finished third, Warrior was fourth and Perigee fifth.

The last race of the day was a bit more challenging as the wind kept clocking to the left requiring a change for each weather leg. Originally set at 185, the second time up the lake the course was set at 170 and shifted again for the finish to 160. The wind continued to build with these shifts and several boats had spinnaker problems on the last downwind leg with one losing the halyard twice and recovering both times and another losing the chute under the boat. The Swedish teams dominated the last race with all four teams finishing in the top 10.

Race Committee rescued one of the mark set anchors on the lake when the boat was forced to leave it to go change the course. It was a tough job to get it off the bottom and it was brought up with a tree limb and fishing line. Unfortunately, there were no fish on the line. The RC boat docked at 1425 hours and the competitors partied on the lawn while the judges heard protests.

One final race is scheduled for Friday at 900 with the awards banquet later in the evening.

Results after Day 3: (9 races, 1 discard)

PosBow NoHelmBoat NameSail NoR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9Tot PtsPts
144Lutz, JayPerigee5311166511563226
227Faith-Ell, ChristerSwedeshipping243732492032317249
323Kolius, John 5852121856263136749
439Spurlin, ScottBoomerang33432116814131116953
538Klingler, KerryUSA 35235244101161121386953
650Hammerman, SteveHammertime7791513193411758667
711White, CraigWarrior256111183111894169173
820Darden, Glen LeGlide407248572591611911489
952Molin, MagnusGrodanboll11319102215481912411391
1031Burke, TerryTop Notch4054997181268142014394
1157Nordstrom, JesperJ/Boats Sweden5622719202245716212295
1212Keesling, JimThe Dog House36710624102019491812096
1318Hammett, Dave & AmandaDnA8716281422121128312597
1443Kilpatrick, MacSooner Magic255813492015352223158109
1525Balfour, DavidKicks44573314321022615144111
1628Rush, IraFlyer266141841111325101014156115
1732Arthur, Roland 406172099222623157148122
1815Gore, TomJavelin3612172782712202612161134
1910Schaffer, RickC'est Nasty399640192527251742183141
2051Abignoli, Laurent 37620515122617312919174143
2130Hanson, Phil80 Proof252252211132323282025190162
2241Barkelius, NoelDPS394152321263337152410204167
2314Church, LouisBodacious22434323271413262730206172
2419Cruz, VinceValiente31283612233016171929210174
2540Leonard, Bob & Buck, GregLickety Split48818163629727272133214178
2616Nauta, BernieWeekend at Bernies159222423351730213217221186
2746Block, ChrisSting6730412940191529226231190
2845Miller, RobertJester254232530243122242527231200
2926Ozeri, Uzi and Myers, DwightInfinity122133139212924331835243204
3035Welles, ClaudeWild Hare49031344332129304036258218
3133Baker, MattHyperdrive296213037174034143832263223
3229Begley, AdrianCunning Plan438442716362836322837284240
3342Johnson, DavidAggravation28402626281035393945288243
3413Lattimore, MikeYoko528391440373728363028289249
3522Strout, SteveGhost Dancing290323517311844373547296249
3637Liem, JasonWhiskey Tango287294043303841183722298255
3755Poindexter, AlAndale336364534414231343121315270
3853Richardson, KenPainkiller369262928494132414241329280
3921Cary, JudNo Effort219334225343645383639328283
4056Lyons, RobertKikiyaon220433349324439353343351302
4124Putman, Scott & AlisonRicochet172374442383946463424350304
4217Jannetti, DavidJibber Jabber366423835454538404131355310
4354VanderWall, KurtHendrix368353738394340454434355310
4449Morrison, ClayLone Star J298384331463543444638364318
4536Morlan, ChrisHeatwave45414644443433434340368322
4648Massey, RandallShotglass398453932424642424544377331
4734Sorensen, Soren 322464749434747474746419370
4847Lake, EricShiraz264474849494949494949438389

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