Falmouth J24 Sail Trials
by Paul Austin 8 Mar 2004 12:25 GMT
The weekend of 28th- 29th February, Hyde Sails' Paul Austin alongwith Stuart Jardine, Gary Denning and the crew of 'Roger Rabbit' braved the snow with the task of trying out the refined new J24 Designs for the 2004 season.
The designs that we have been looking at over the winter months have transformed the boat. This produces more power downwind with a deeper running spinnaker and better balance and speed to windward in a breeze with the new blade jib.
If you would like any help, advice or tuning tips for your J24 you can click onto the following link: www.falmouthj24.co.uk , there you will find a Hyde Sails link, Tuning Guide page or alternatively start off a discussion on the forum page which we have access to answer all your questions or problems.
Once again a big thank you to everyone that helped out at the weekend especially Roger for supplying me with coffee from his Launch while the others where sailing.
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