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Adnams ACE-2004 at West Wick Yacht Club

by William Hadley 12 Jun 2004 09:25 BST
An RS Feva enjoying the racing in the Adnam's ACE event ©

Saturday the 5th June was a very pleasant day on the River Crouch, not too hot and with a light Northwest wind (which made for good conditions with a chance of ‘long tacks’) for the fourth year of the Adnam’s ACE Event.

Well over fifty vessels of all types took part sailing and cruising up from the Burnham Sailing Club to the finish at Stow Post.

This is always a ‘fun’ event, the aim being to get members from every-one of the clubs on the River Crouch to spend one day in the year together on the River and to socialise in one of the clubs in the late afternoon and evening of the Event Day.

This year the host club was the West Wick Yacht Club (at North Fambridge). They certainly provided an impressive venue for guests with their clubhouse plus a large marquee (each with its own full time bar), and a choice of restaurant meals or meals from a large barbecue. For entertainment there was a disco and then later a live band, “Never Grew Up”.

The event organisers were very pleased to see very many people there in the evening and were particularly pleased to see so many Optimist Crews present for the prizegiving. Not for the first time these young people had highly impressed the more venerable ‘yotties’ with their skill and grit on the water. The prize-winners in this class therefore received extra special cheers as they came forward to collect their prizes.

The organisers give their very grateful thanks to Adnam’s Brewery for their very kind support on each one of the annual ACE Events. Mr. John Parsons of Adnam’s presented the prizes.

Overall Results:

Class 1 Cruiser Racers
1st Jimminy Cricket Michael Harrison
2nd Verlition Roy Hall
3rd Riotous John Hooper
Class 3 Cruisers (no spinnakers/chutes)
1st Red Tape Brian Cowan
2nd Silver Mist Anthony Abbot
3rd Surprise Jim Tichmarsh
Class 4 Dinghies Fast (PN1059 & below)
1st Sharpie John Torrance
2nd Laser Vortex John Hardy
Class 5 Dinghies Slow (PN1060 & above)
1st Nice-n-Eze Nigel Darby
2nd Laser 4.7 Mathew Lis
3rd Laser Radial Mark Rumbold
Class 6 Optimists
1st 5621 - Andrew Lis
2nd GBR5262 Ella Brown
3rd Avalanche Rory Page
Class 7 Predicted Log (Motor/Sail)
1st Iowan Keith Rawsthorne
2nd Reality John Hasselgren
3rd Uther Pendragon Douglas Collett
Class 8 Predicted Log (Power)
1st Deconia Keith Hatch