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Hunter Formula One Nationals at Rutland Sailing Club

by John Ball 30 Jun 2004 23:34 BST 25-27 June 2004

Rutland Sailing Club welcomed 13 boats from around the Uk and Ireland on June 25-27th for the Hunter Formula One national Championships.

Close racing between the fleet saw stiff competition between previous National Champions, Dermot O'Morchoe (Jou Jou, Courtown S.C), Paul Harkness (Hitch Hiker, Courtown S.C) and Paul Bankroft (Tenocious RSC). Day one delivered a force 3 - 4 South Westerly. Jou Jou took full advantage of this to pull out a slim lead with a 1st and a 3rd.

Day two began with a stronger Southerly breeze gusting up to 25 knots. Jou Jou again came out on top with two firsts and a fifth. Hitch hiker closely followed closing the gap with two seconds and a first.

Day three proved to be a battle between the 2002 and 2003 National Champions, Jou Jou and Hitch Hiker, with Dermot O'Morchoe and crew managing to hold on to their advantage to take the Hunter Formula One national Ruddles Trophy back to Ireland. The weekend proved a Testiment to the Race officer Val Milward and her team and the Staff at RSC for provide a first class weekend of racing. Their efforts were appreciated by all competitors.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoBoat NameHelmClubPts
1st 805 Jou Jou Dermot O'Morchoe Coutown 
2nd 8044 Hitch Hiker Paul Harkness Courtown 16 
3rd 8050 Tenacious Paul Bankroft RSC 17 
4th 8024 Typhoon John Walsh Courtown 20 
5th 8030 Kingfisher Chris Wright Rsc 22 
6th 7283 Apocalypse Nick Betts RSC 30 
7th 8020 Jiny Mac Bob Sherriff Courtown 44 
8th 8017 Caveat Nigel Pask RSC 53 
9th 8018 Tearaway Andrew Bonar RSC 56 
10th 8052 War Department Robert Beggs RSC 57

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