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Moby M30 World Championship at Porto Cervo, Sardinia Overall

by Barby MacGowan 8 Oct 2007 07:44 BST 1-7 October 2007

Matrix ArcaTxActive wins Moby M30 Worlds in Porto Cervo

Jim Richardson second with Barking Mad

On the fourth and final day of the Moby M30 Worlds, organized by the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda in Porto Cervo, the Race Committee once again managed to fit in three windward-leeward races.

Matrix ArcaTxActive (ITA), owned by Luigi Melegari and Gianmarco Rinaldi and with Tommaso Chieffi on tactics, is the new M30 World Champion. Jim Richardson’s Barking Mad (USA) with Terry Hutchinson calling tactics came second and Vincent Portugal’s New Caledonia (FRA), with Francois Brenac on tactics, came in third.

“Today’s last day was a bit nerve-wracking for us,” confirmed Chieffi of the Matrix ArcaTxActive team, which found itself in first place after Race Seven. “We would have preferred to have finished (the day) after the first race, then after the second when we still would have won, but the Committee went ahead and did the third and we suffered right up to the end. But we had a good start in the last race; we kept the French and Barking Mad behind us, so all’s well that ends well!”

Jim Richardson, President of the Farr 40 Class, was philosophical about his second place: “It’s interesting that I won the Farr 40 pre-worlds in Newport in 2006 and then I came third to Vincenzo Onorato (in the Worlds). Then I won the pre-worlds in Copenhagen this year and came in third to Vincenzo. I won the M30 pre-worlds here and I said to Vincenzo, ‘Please do not do this to me again!,’ and he promised he wouldn’t, but I forgot to speak to the other Italians! Luigi and Tommaso and the rest of the Matrix crew had a fantastic event and deserved to win. I look forward to seeing all of these wonderful competitors in Newport next year.”

Vincenzo Onorato’s Mascalzone Latino fought back from yesterday’s ninth place to come in fifth overall behind Optimumm in fourth.

Race Seven, the first of the day, started with northerly winds of approximately 14 knots and saw Barking Mad take her first victory of the World Championship series ahead of Guy Stenings' Optimumm (AUS) and Lorenzo Santini’s Uka Uka (ITA).

In Race Eight Enfant Terribile, owned by Gianluigi Serena took her first victory of the series over Mezza Luna (FIN) Harry Roshier in second and Maga Joanna (ITA), owned by Luigi Parente, in third.

By the start of Race Nine the wind had shifted to 340° and dropped to approximately 5-6 knots. Matrix ArcaTxActive took first place in this final race of the series ahead of Fausto Rubini’s Thule (MON) and Uka Uka.

The final prizegiving took pace in the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda’s Piazza Azzurra. The YCCS Sporting Calendar will continue in November with the Transatlantic Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup.

Moby is the largest cruise-ferry company in the Mediterranean and transports approximately five million passengers to Sardinia, Corsica and Elba Island every year. Its fleet, consisting of around 50 units, includes cargo vessels, supply vessels and anchor-handling tugs, all sailing under the Italian flag. Moby was founded in 1982 by Vincenzo Onorato who represents the fourth generation of an Italian ship-owning family. The 2007 edition of the M30 Worlds is the second sponsored by Moby.

Overall Results: (top ten)

1. MATRIX ARCA TX ACTIVE, Gianmarco Rinaldi, ITA, 15,12,2,6,1,2,4,7,1, 50pts
2. BARKING MAD, James B. Richardson, USA, 5,6,21,4,5,5,1,5,6, 58pts
3. NEW CALEDONIA, Vincent Portugal, FRA, 7,2,13,1,3,8,12,6,8, 60pts
4. OPTIMUMM, Guy Stening, AUS, 21,8,1,12,4,6,2,12,4, 70pts
5. MASCALZONE LATINO, Vincenzo Onorato, ITA, 23,25,5,5,2,11,7,4,15, 97pts
6. UKA UKA Lorenzo, Santini, ITA, 9,9,3,10,27,3,3,33,3,100pts
7. ENFANT TERRIBLE, Serena Gianluigi, ITA, 2,30,7,13,9,13,16,1,23,114pts
8. ANN BE ESPOIR IDF, Yoann Richomme, FRA, 4,5,10,7,19,14,9,21,26,115pts
9. ASSOTUBI MUMMYONE, Mingozzi / Bonora, ITA, 12,1,4,15,12,24,29,9,13,119pts
10. GROOVEDERCI, Deneen B. Demourkas, USA, 3,28,17,14,14,1,24,8,11,120pts

For full results please visit or

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