Streaker Class Upheaval by Rooster Sailing
by Rooster Sailing 4 Jan 2008 08:39 GMT
Steve Cockerill in the Epoxy Streaker © Rooster Sailing
Because you could say that it was Rooster Sailing that made the upheaval in the Streaker Class in 2007. Thankfully the upheaval is finally over and the 2008 season is looking bright! What upheaval? I hear you say. About 12 months ago Paul Young of Rondar met with Steve Cockerill and Alan Gillard (the Streaker Class Technical officer) to discuss the Epoxy Streaker that Rondar were making for Rooster Sailing. Despite making 9 Epoxy Streakers in 2006, that had and subsequently proved very successful, there were issues of mould quality and build techniques that could be resolved with a small modification of the class rules. These rules had been written with wood in mind, which had made the boat a successful home build boat but one that suffered both visually in Glass Fibre and proved difficult to build.
The Committee took to the concept and asked for drawings of the modified deck design. Alan Simmons kindly drew up the ideas and after some modifications; the Committee agreed that we could take the new deck design to the class with a postal ballot. Unfortunately there was an odd voting system proposed for the postal ballot for which the webmaster felt he could no longer be the Class webmaster and the secretary felt that he could no longer be the secretary.
At this stage Steve Cockerill of Rooster was not so sure that working with an established class was perhaps the best way to inspire sailing and he could see why RS developed their own boats. However, the chairman opted for a second ballot with a fairer voting system. With the results still hanging in the air the Class had its AGM at the Nationals. Many of the Committee members stood again with others to be re elected. There were 12 nominees for the 5 places on the committee. Wow this was exciting. The new Committee formed with Alan Gillard once again filling the technical Officer role. There was some speculation that the ballot would once again have to be re-posted, but after much deliberation the postal ballot stood. We learned subsequently that the membership said yes.
Rondar have been working hard on the moulds and are now calculating build timescales for the first 16 boats on order and a subsequent plan for the 50 boats Rooster are expecting to sell during the season. If you have never really seen a Streaker – well it’s a cross between the comfort of a Solo and the zippiness of a Europe. It weighs just 48Kg which is quite light when you consider the Laser is 56.7 Kg and a Solo is 70Kg. Its seams to carry weight with sailors ranging from 55Kg to 80Kg in the top three at the Nationals and many sailors in the fleet are over 85Kg and under 50Kg.
If you want to arrange for a demo on the South Coast at Bosham Sailing Club - call the Streaker Demo Line on 01243 574485 Alternatively - if you want to arrange a demo sail of our 2008 epoxy streaker at your club, please contact with the title ‘Streaker Plug Pictures.’