New Trans-Mediterranean record
by Jerry Freeman 4 Mar 2008 10:18 GMT
Michel Kleinjans has grabbed another solo World Record to add to his collection; setting off from Marseille late on Friday night in his Open40 class 'Roaring Forty' he completed the 458 miles track to Carthage in 45 hours 14 minutes, an average speed of 10 knots, subject to WSSRC ratification.
Michel holds the record for solo around Ireland (4 days 1 hour), in the Lutra designed Roaring Forty, and the OSTAR 30 foot class in his old Figaro One that has stood since 1996. He set a solo round Britain record in 2004 of 11 days 12 hours, only to have it snatched away a few months later by Jean Luc Van de Heede sailing a monster! Michel also won the Round Britain double handed race in 2006.
This record attempt was planned for earlier in the year but the anticyclone that dominated Europe for most of February had blocked the westerly flow Michel was looking for and he waited patiently at home in Belgium for a good forecast. The boat has been in the Med since the Rolex Middle Sea race last October where he finished 2nd on the water behind the 90-foot Rambler in a very stormy race.
The open 40s are very powerful all carbon and water ballasted boats, too fast to be allowed grandfather rights with the class 40 cruiser racers and their next event will be the 1000 Miles Solo in July, starting from Falmouth with stages to Kinsale, Santander and Camaret, where the 40s will compete together for the first time since the 2007 Round Britain race.
This record attempt was tracked by Racing at Petit Bateau and the course is archived on where also can be found animated track archives of the Ostar 2005 and the Round Britain 2006 races amongst many others.
Michel is planning to compete in the Portimao Global Ocean Challenge in October 2008. As the most experienced 40 foot skipper in his well proven boat, he has a great chance of success and is actively looking for a title sponsor for the project, having demonstrated his skill and tenacity over many seasons of solo and double handed racing.