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Peterborough Schools at Peterborough Lakeside Sailing Club

by Chris Dunn 5 Jul 2008 16:17 BST 3 July 2008

Thirty competitors gathered at Lakeside Peterborough Sailing Club on 3rd July for the annual Peterborough Schools Regatta. The event is organised by the Cambridgeshire School & Youth Sailing Association, and hosted by The King’s School Sailing Club, who regularly sail at Ferry Meadows.

The day started with a gentle breeze and many of the competitors very keen to get the best place on the start line for the first race. Race Officer, Andrew Belson set a challenging course, which enabled the competitors to demonstrate their skill and ability. Two forty minute races were sailed in the morning with a lunch break at 1pm.

A BBQ was provided by members of The King’s School Sailing Club. John Hanby, results officer and a student at The King’s School had recorded and calculated the results of the morning racing before lunch, which allowed competitors to see how close they were to winning. There was some fierce competition, and everything to sail for as the wind speed increased to a strong breeze.

After a minor correction to the course, and a very heavy shower of rain, the competitors started their third race at 1:20pm, with David Ashworth of Sir Harry Smith Community College leading the field.

There was close competition between King’s School Sailors; Will & Phil Trotman sailing a Laser Vago, and Tom Hill and Josh Smith sailing a Comet Trio. Phil & Will managed to fly their asymmetric spinnaker downwind which enabled them to pull out a substantial lead. However, Harry Rackham also of King’s managed to find some clear-air and beat both double-handed boats on handicap.

David Ashworth of Sir Harry Smith Community College won the overall Trophy for first place. Oliver Hooper of Rutland Sailing Club was the first Topper sailor, and Mara Johnson of Hunts Sailing Club was the first female. The wind strength increased again for the final race of the day, with some excellent sailing from all competitors.

Rebecca Adamson of King’s was awarded the improver’s shield for coming 13th sailing a Topper, a massive improvement from her placing the previous season.

Trophies were presented by Mrs. J. Hogg, who has been involved with local youth sailing for many years, and is a teacher at The King’s School. Some sailors completed all races, having only started sailing six weeks ago which is a tremendous achievement.

Many of the competitors are part of the Cambridgeshire Sailing Team, and will be attending the National School Sailing Association National Youth Regatta at the end of the month, at Carsington Reservoir in Derbyshire. For more information visit

Overall Results:

1stLASERDash 11-213
2ndLASER 4.7Jonny Leeding 224-98
3rdLASER 4.7Mara Johnson -753210
6thLASER 4.7Rosie Bain 54-7312
7thLASER 4.7Phllippa Hooper 6-75516
8thTOPPEROllie Hooper 10-148422
9thTOPPERHarry Rackham 99-10725
10thRUFFIAN 23Will TrotmanPhil Trotman889-1125
11thLASER PICO RACERebecca LawrenceAnna Buroughs(23 DNF)1312833
12thCOMET TRIOT J HillJosh Smith121011-1433
13thTOPPERRebecca Adamson -1611141338
14thTOPPERKarl Robinson 131213-1738
15thCOMET TRIOTom GlenDavid Burt14-19171243
16thTOPPERCharlotte Burroughs -2015201045
17thLASER PICOEdward Morridge 1716(23 DNF)1649
18thTOPPERHenry Morton 151718(23 DNF)50
19thLASER RADIALFreya ScuttHeather Hunt1118(23 DNF)23 DNF52
20thLASER PICOJonathon Burt 18-21161852
21stLASER PICORob Strong 19(23 DNF)1519.553.5
22ndLASER PICOArthur Wright -21201919.558.5