Jersey to Gibraltar in a Drascombe Lugger in memory of Ben
by Nick Poole 7 May 2009 16:15 BST
25 June 2009
On the 25th of June this year, a Drascombe Lugger called ‘Rozelle’ and a 6.5m RIB will depart from Jersey, in the Channel Islands, destined for Gibraltar. The expedition has been called the JAUNT2GIB and is being undertaken in memory of a young Jersey Royal Marine, Ben Poole, who died last year.
Nick Poole, Ben’s father, sailing Rozelle and a close family friend James Crill, acting as safety boat in a RIB X, are endeavouring to complete the 1,900 + mile journey in approximately 7 to 9 weeks and will be supported by their respective wives, Madeleine and Jane, as the shore party. Their journey will take them along the north coast of Brittany, round Ouessant and down the French coast of Biscay, along the north coast of Spain and down Portugal, eventually arriving through the Straits of Gibraltar at the end of August.
The trip is part of CHALLENGE4BEN, a movement established by Ben’s parents, to encourage people of all ages to undertake some form of demanding personal challenge requiring commitment and determination. The primary purpose however of CHALLENGE4BEN is to raise funds for existing worthy causes and charities.
The JAUNT2GIB aims to raise funds for two charities, Help for Heroes and Jersey Hospice Care. Other Challenges4Ben are raising funds for charities such as The Royal Marine Benevolent Fund, Music in Action and the Isle of Man Hospice. “The aim of CHALLENGE4BEN is to use the various challenges to support existing worthy causes whilst at the same time giving the participants a real sense of achievement”, commented Nick Poole.
The JAUNT2GIB is also being supported by the Rotary Club of Gibraltar, who aim to raise funds through a series of challenges, the proceeds of which will be divided 50% to a charity of the fundraisers choice and 50% to Help for Heroes.
Madeleine Poole summed up CHALLENGE4BEN in the following way; “Ben always set himself demanding challenges and we see Challenge4Ben as a very appropriate way of continuing his memory whist at the same time helping those who need support. Many people think about doing things but never actually get round to doing it. The ethos of CHALLENGE4BEN is don’t think about it – do it!”
More information on Ben Poole, CHALLENGE4BEN and the JAUNT2GIB can be found on or by emailing