Squibs at the Royal Alfred Yacht Club Baily Bowl
by David West 2 Jun 2009 12:23 BST
16-17 May 2009
The Royal Alfred Yacht Club celebrates its 152nd. Birthday in 2009 and as such it is one of the oldest yacht Clubs in these waters. It hosted the annual ‘Baily Bowl’ which is named after the lighthouse located on the north side of Dublin Bay, the location for the Squib Nationals in 2010. The One-design classes racing for the Baily Bowl on Saturday 16th. May 2009 included the National Squib.
The 15 Squibs entered, represented Royal North of Ireland, Quoile, Howth, Dun Laoghaire Motor Yacht Club, and Royal St. George Yacht Club. Unfortunately a gale prevented any racing on Saturday.
On Sunday morning three windward-leeward races took place in winds of up to 28 knots from the east.
Despite the strong winds and tricky waves, the Squibs handled the challenging conditions with a minimum of breakages. A special congratulations goes to the two girls in ‘Chillax’ who revelled in the conditions. Some drinks were taken in the National Yacht Club after racing.
Overall Results:
1st 24 ‘Femme Fatale’, Joe O’Byrne and Vincent Delany, 3pts
2nd 799 ‘Fat Boat Slim’, Wyatt Wright and Simon Revell, 7pts
3rd 770 ‘Deadly Buzz’, Frank Whelan, 9pts