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Holm Sailing Club Yacht and Singlehander Regatta

by Andrew Leslie 14 Jul 2009 11:16 BST 11 July 2009
Racing during the Holm Yachts and Singlehanders Regatta © Andrew Leslie

The Holm Yachts and Singlehanders Regatta was held on Saturday 11th July 2009. A light North Easterly breeze provided fine conditions for the racing.


Seven yachts took part, in the morning the yachts sailed from Stromness across Scapa Flow to St. Mary’s. Soup and sandwiches were provided for lunch and then two races were held in the afternoon. The passage race was won by Shiant on Handicap, although Stravaiger was first across the line. Stravaiger was second, Jigsaw was third. Stravaiger managed to win the first afternoon race, with Shiant finishing second and Nereides third. Nereides was the first across the line in the final race, but finished 2nd on handicap. Shiant won and Jigsaw came in 3rd.


Two classes of singlehanders took part in the racing, Picos and Lasers.

Five Picos raced, having two races in the morning and two more after lunch. The light conditions were ideal for the less experienced competitors. Malcolm Gordon made a clean sweep, winning all four races. 2nd place was closely contested with Isla Wallace and Mairi Fleet both having 13 points. Isla Wallace won the juniors (under 16) trophy.

Three Lasers competed in five races. Andrew Leslie won four of the five races, although the racing was very close at times.

Spirit Dancer

During the lunch break a large Canadian Canoe arrived. The Spirit Dancer had paddled from Stromness along with some sea kayaks. The Spirit Dancer was a great spectacle at the regatta, a most unusual sight in St. Mary’s Village.

At the end of the regatta trophies were presented as well as raffle prizes.

Full results are available on the Holm Sailing Club website.


The regatta would not have been possible without the help of many voluntary helpers. Thanks are due to the Safety Boat crews, although they didn’t have a busy time they are essential to the safe running of the regatta. Thanks are due to all the club members who helped make the event a success, by providing bottles for the raffle, sandwiches for the lunch and helping with the many mundane tasks which have to be done to ensure a successful day for all the competitors. Thanks are also due to the timekeepers who were able to keep the racing running smoothly.

Thanks are also due to Orkney Sailing Club who kindly lent Picos for the event.