Laser 2000 Millennium Series at Broadstairs Sailing Club
by Linda Lawrence 15 Jul 2009 07:56 BST
4-5 July 2009

Sunshine and steady winds for the Laser 2000s at Broadstairs © Peter Holland
The weather on Saturday was every Race Officers and L2K sailor’s dream, sunshine, steady southerly winds which built to a Force 4 with a south flowing tide throughout the whole afternoon, meaning the course could be set just off the shoreline. Twenty-six boats from twelve sailing clubs lined up for the start of the first race. Ed Cowell & Lewis Stone (21990 BSC) took an initial lead closely covered by Rob & Katie Burridge (2458 Weir Wood) but having to take a penalty turn he let through Mick Speller & Kial Doolin (21584 MBSC) who held the lead to the finish ahead of Burridge.
The second race saw Burridge clear away with tactics playing a part for the following five boats and positions continually changing. Fellow Weir Wood sailor, Tim & Linda Hulley (22222), eventually secured second place with Dave & Scott Adams (2145 BSC) third. Gear failure caused the retirement of three sailors although all were back in contention for race three.
A 10 degree wind shift meant relaying the course for race three, which again was hotly contested and was only won on the final leeward leg when Adams, sailing higher than the rest, rounded the starboard gate mark and secured the victory.
Saturday night saw a splendid curry evening supplied by the members and live music from Russ Grooms Joined by other local musicians till the early hours of the morning, ensuring a small cloud over a few boats the next day.
The start of day two was delayed an hour and a quarter to allow the light southerly airs to build but with the more variable winds and a change in tide flow during racing the conditions were always going to prove more testing. The line was keenly contested for the start of race four and one boat was just not able to dip back in time for the gun. From the off the fleet split, some choosing to head inshore to escape the tide whilst the majority took the middle line towards the windward spreader. Leading this group was Cowell but as he rounded the north running tide and light airs caught him out and his penalty turn saw him drop eight places, although he pulled back to finish overall sixth. From that first rounding the pattern was set and the first four boats maintained their positions until the finish. The race was shortened to just two laps to finish within time limits.
Slightly strengthening winds saw the start of the fifth race with again stiff competition for places on the line although once over, other than to get clear air, the fleet favored tacking up the middle of the course towards the windward marks. Burridge again showed the way with only minor position changing amongst the following eight boats.
Race six was initially a test of patience as the start gun seemed to coincide with the wind dying. Fortunately the tide had slackened and the fleet crept towards the windward marks. Amy Hulley & Sopie Payne (21555 two blonds in a boat) rounded first, gently hoisted and assisted by the genniker made her way through the approaching fleet only to be luffed up by a fellow competitor which let Burridge, goose-winging, through the center of the course, through to his usual leading position. As the wind filled back in from the south its strengthening favored the following fleet bunching them up to the leaders and racing was again on. Hulley held second place at the end of the first lap but then disaster struck as the tiller extension broke on the beat, capsizing the boat and even with a speedy recovery two places had slipped by. Lap times on this race reduced from 27 minutes for the first lap, 11 mins for the second and only 9 for the third.
A display of local boats finished the day as it coincided with Sea Sunday and the bands could be heard on the pier as water cannons blasted from Coastguard ships whilst petals of remembrance rained down from the skies, Quote of the day had to go to Graham Sexton sailing with Kristina Harbourne who said it was one of those magical moments , blue ski - sunshine whilst partaking in one of our favorite activities, “ I nearly popped the question, but with no ring (or spare shackle) it will have to wait… Kristina be scared very-very scared...
Thanks must go to our sponsors; Laser Direct and Noble Marine Insurance.
Overall Results:
1st Rob & Katie Burridge (Weir Wood S.C.)
2nd Dave & Scott Adams (Broadstairs S.C.)
3rd Tim & Linda Hulley (Weir Wood S.C.)
4th Graham Sexton & Kristina Harbourne (Thorpe Bay S.C.)