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International OK Worlds at Kalmar, Sweden - Overall

by Mary Reddyhoff, OKDIA 31 Jul 2009 08:10 BST 23-30 July 2009

The final day at the OK Dinghy World Championship in Kalmar, Sweden started with two sailors, current World Champion Karl Purdie (NZL) and Thomas Hansson-Mild (SWE), on 13 points, each in a great position to win the World Championship. A tense final day produced some very close racing in testing conditions and the first Swedish OK Dinghy world champion for 12 years. Sweden has produced more OK Dinghy World Champions than any other nation.

With a fresh breeze forecast, there was much speculation on who would win today's races and with them the Championship. Hansson-Mild was looking the favourite, having won four races to Puride's three. With the wind holding steady at 8 m/s, with gusts of 10m/s, some sailors had decided to call it a day, choosing to pack up their boats instead.

With so much resting on these two races, the 59 competitors jumped the gun on the first start and a general recall was called. The black flag immediately instilled discipline for the second start at which there were no premature starters. An 18 minute beat to the windward mark saw boats bang both corners but the majority sailed the middle course. One of the leading pack capsized on the first reach, costing him valuable points, but the rest were soon gibing at the leeward mark, to sail the port side of the course. In the lead was Jorgen Lindhardtsen (DEN), closely followed by Oliver Gronholz (GER) and Hannsson-Mild, with Purdie on his transom.

Lindhardtsen increased his lead up the next beat and held it on the run to the leeward gate. Hansson-Mild climbed to second place, with Purdie and Andre Blasse (AUS) a short distance behind. They all continued on starboard tack for much of the beat to the finish, short tacking as the line approached. Lindhardtsen was first to finish, closely followed by Hansson-Mild, but Blasse forced Purdie into fourth place.

With Hansson-Mild on 15 points and Purdie on 17 points, the Championship was very much in the balance. Once again the first attempt to start race 10 resulted in a general recall, but the second start was quickly underway under the black flag, again with no premature starters.

With the wind still oscillating between 8 and 10 m/s and the waves becoming quite pronounced, the leaders chose the committee boat end to start. It is fair to say they were line-shy, but with so much counting on the last race for many of the top ten places, no-one was taking any chances. Blasse was first to the windward mark, holding his lead on the two reaches, with Martin Zimmermann (GER), Pawel Pawlaczyk (POL) and Gunter Arndt (GER) close behind.

Again Purdie and Hansson-Mild were inseparable in fifth and sixth places. Again the port side of the course was favourite, with Blasse still leading the race. Blasse still led the fleet at the leeward mark, with Arndt second Purdie third and Hansson-Mild in fourth. A nail-biting final beat ensued with Blasse, the new President of the OK Dinghy International Association, taking his first gun of the series. Purdie was second and Hansson-Mild crossed third.

With a full series of ten races completed, all that remained was the assembly of the overall results. A clearly delighted Thomas Hansson-Mild became World Champion for the first time, beating the current World Champion Karl Purdie by just 1 point. Hansson-Mild has competed in 14 World Championships and this is his seventh appearance in the top ten. His highest position before this year was third in 2001. Third place went to Jorgen Lindhardtsen, sailing his best regatta for several years. In fact the scoreline of any the top four boats would normally be sufficient to take the series, but this week the racing has been extremely close. It has been one of the tightest championships of recent years and has ended with a very popular winner.

In 2010 the class travels down under to New Zealand in February where the world championship will be sailed on Purdie's home patch in Wellington. Who would bet against him reclaiming the title there? Watch this space.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoClubHelmR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10Pts
1stSWE 100Umeå SegelsällskapThomas Hansson-Mild15212(BFD)112318
2ndNZL 531Worser Bay Boating ClubKarl Purdie4112(OCS)1224219
3rdDEN 1364Hvidovre SejlklubJørgen Lindhardtsen2333-302641731
4thAUS 729Black Rock Yacht ClubAndre Blasse7245-253333131
5thNZL 522BSCGreg Wilcox96561(BFD)476953
6thGBR 2134Frensham PondNick Craig64124469611(DNS)62
7thGBR 2118Upper ThamesTerry Curtis37895-2213108871
8thPOL 14 Pawel Pawlaczyk58151016-185512682
9thGER 693SCOeMartin Zimmermann-171513129411117486
10thGER 672FYCGunter Arndt131768-191915895100
11thSWE 2784Karlshamns SSBo-Staffan Andersson14101714105816-1911105
12thPOL 31 Antoni Pawlowski-269141131114141713106
13thDEN 1340Kalundborg sejlklubChristian Olesen1216217-27161292518136
14thGER 690SCOeSoenke Behrens1821-332315724131315149
15thGER 750Segler-Verein GrossenheidornRalf Tietje10262021-35918191512150
16thDEN 1335Solrød StrandMogens Johansen8239227-2825261420154
17thSWE 2786SS KaparenHåkan Törnqvist201816-29121220231816155
18thPOL 1 Tomasz Gaj163125171426(DNS)151014168
19thGER 717SSCOliver Gronholz11(BFD)101313BFD1618510176
20thSWE 66VSSJan-Erik Nystedt221411163320(DNF)272117181
21stSWE 2782Getskärs SSJan-Erik Engholm-322923266826321630196
22ndDEN 1375Hellerup SejlklubChristian Hedlund15222425261317-493027199
23rdGER 755BSVIngo Stelzer191318-35292919203423204
24thPOL 19 Bartosz RakocyDPIDPI73124311028(DNS)19213
25thSWE 2741Umeå SegelsällskapUlf Dagerbrant-39322232371022172622220
26thSWE 99Varbergs SSHans Elkjaer21383018-413023222021223
27thDEN 1377Kaløvig BådelaugJørgen Holm Nielsen253528281114302927(DNS)227
28thGER 730SCSTJörg Rademàcher332727242117-42302833240
29thDEN 13Vallensbæk SejlklubTroels Lykke313026193632212424(DNF)243
30thSWE 2780Getskärs SSClaes Ahlström371238303137272123(DNS)256
31stGER 740PSCWArne Lindermann231135448(BFD)32473332265
32ndPOL 5 Darek Kras3520424022(BFD)41373226295
33rdGBR 2085South StaffsGavin Waldron38463136-532737332225295
34thSWE 2787VASSOlle Albrektsson29393227-563436393129296
35thGER 665SCSTPeter Stephan-47344038232338384324301
36thSWE 11StSSBengt Strömberg4037292052(DSQ)28412935311
37thDEN 1369Hellerup SejlklubBo Teglers24(BFD)34154221DPIDPIDNFDNS325
38thPOL 44 Radoslaw DrozdzikDPIDPI-5642202533314234328
39thSWE 2770NYSSJonas Andersson-45284437444334364028334
40thSWE 2772SS KaparenIngemar Jansson4325363945(BFD)39483731343
41stSWE 222SKKPer Jaensson4124194118(BFD)2925DNFDNS357
42ndGER 711SCHRalf Mackmann27664834(OCS)3545343843370
43rdGER 726SSCJörg Sylvester444245-49284143464540374
44thSWE 511SKKMårten Bernesand51434745-624035453645387
45thGER 745YCBGRainer Pospiech-57415148544631423936388
46thSWE 2740Karlskrona SSKarl-Johan Östh-55455046484546404439403
47thGER 735 Dirk Gericke48514647-555150433538409
48thGER 688SVMDirk Dame5240494359(BFD)47515237430
49thAUS 685Wangi RSL Amateur Sailing ClubJonathan O\'Donell4652(DNC)56494448504646437
50thGBR 1774West OxfordRichard Burton56(BFD)39604038443548DNS440
51stSWE 64Nättraby BåtklubbJonas Lindahl303354333436(DNF)DNSDNSDNS460
52ndGER 606SCFKatharina Huß59-615753464952564742461
53rdAUS 724Wangi Sailing ClubGlenn Yates5055(DNC)51674849524941462
54thSWE 2739Umeå SegelsällskapAnders Widding585852-62384260585647469
55thNOR 467Hellerup SejlklubJens Makholm2850(DNC)DNF39334044DNSDNS474
56thDEN 1265Kongelig Dansk YachtklubMalte Pedersen654455555754515441(DNF)476
57thNZL 516Worser Bay Boating ClubJulian Bishop-60545858505255535148479
58thUSA 607SCVChristian Heinze535337(DNF)172456DNSDNSDNS480
59thGER 651SVPHeinz Ridder63576257-643953575349490
60thGER 714SCFChristian Huß645653545155(DNF)DNS5044507
61stDEN 1370Bramsnæs SejlklubJesper Strandberg3636415043(BFD)DNSDNSDNSDNS526
62ndSWE 2756SKKSimon PoltegDPIDPI6067(OCS)5654555550530
63rdSWE 2672SS KaparenBengt Larsson71475963(DSQ)155760DNSDNS532
64thSWE 2591TBSArne Malm626363-65605862615451534
65thDEN 1329Bramsnæs SejlklubSam Jedig49596461325759(DNF)DNSDNS541
66thDEN 1301Sejlklubben Esrum SøRasmus Cavling Clausen544843526147(DNS)DNSDNSDNS545
67thFRA 723CYVIACHENUIL Mathieu6668615958536159(DNS)DNS565
68thSWE 2217SS SvearnaMagnus Bager6764676447606462(DNS)DNS575
69thGER 487SCSTGunnar Goronzi686566(DNS)6350656357DNF577
70thFRA 2000SNF Sports Nautiques de la FretteGautier ARIBAUD69676866655963(DNF)DNSDNS617
71stSWE 2738SS KaparenPeter Aebeloe706065(DNS)666158DNSDNSDNS620
72ndSWE 111SSKA Segelsällskapet KaparenBertil Eliasson(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC720
72ndDEN 1324Hvidovre SejlklubJan Larsen(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC720
72ndDEN 1366Skovshovede SejlklubSvend Erik Molbech(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC720
72ndDEN 1333Hellerup SejlklubStefan Myrälf(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC720

1st Veteran: Karl Purdie, NZL
1st Junior: Bartosz Rakocy, POL
1st in host country: Thomas Hansson-Mild SWE

More information on the event website.

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