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X-41 World Championship at Maremma, Tuscany - Day 3

by Lorenza Priamo 18 Sep 2009 21:11 BST 13-20 September 2009

Lack of breeze halts today's race

Unsteady weather conditions caused today’s racing to be abandoned at the X-41 World Championship, an event organised by the Italian Yacht Club and Club Nautico Scarlino, with the collaboration of X-Yachts Italia.

In the early morning the breeze was very light, but as the day wore on it increased gradually and the AP flag was lowered. The first race got underway at 1.30 p.m. After the first beat and downwind leg, Piergiorgio Ravaioni’s Lady X-41 with Lorenzo Bressani calling tactics was in the lead, followed by Pasquale Orofino’s Raffica and Javier Dominguez’s Vertice 360-Benalmadena. The breeze shifted and a course change was announced an the leeward gate. A third of the way up the second beat the breeze died out completely and the Race Committee decided to cancel racing for the day. in the meantime kept shifting and the marks had to be repositioned. After a while the breeze dropt completely and the Race Committee declared the race abandoned.

Conditions did not improve in the afternoon, and no further racing took place today. The yachts were back at La Marina di Scarlino just after 4.00 pm. Warning signal for tomorrow is scheduled for 10 a.m. The prize giving ceremony of the X-41 World Championship will be held immediately after racing.

This evening all participants will enjoy local food and wines at a dinner offered by Maremma Tuscany at Marina of Scarlino’s “La Piazzetta”. Maremma Tuscany is an association representing high-end companies with excellence and quality as a common denominator. It operates on the international market in conjunction with local public institutions.

Results after Day 3:

1. Sideracordis, Pier Vettor Grimani-Daniele Cassinari, 2-1-1-(5)-4, 8 points
2. WB Five, Gianlcaudio Bassetti-Tommaso Chieffi, 1-2-2-(9)-3, 8 points
3. Vertice 360-Benalmadena, Javier Dominguez-Luis Doreste, (8)-6-3-4-1, 14 points
4. Lady X-41, Piergiorgio Ravaioni-Lorenzo Bressani, (5)-4-5-3-2, 14 points
5. C-MAP, Joe Borghetti-Matteo Simoncelli, 6-3-(8)-2-6, 17 points

Event Partners

The X-41 World Championship is sponsored by BMW, Atlante Marinas, Dab, Maremma Tuscany, Relais Vedetta, North Sails Italy sailmaker, Vela Mania and Nexus.