Fotoboat Services Dinghy Sailing Calendar 2010 on sale today
by Mike Rice, 27 Oct 2009 15:18 GMT
27 October 2009
Services charity Toe in the Water is set for a boost with the announcement of its partnership with leading sailing photographers Fotoboat. Toe in the Water helps injured service men and women to rehabilitate after traumatic injuries sustained on active service, through involving them in competitive sailing.
Fotoboat has produced a Services Dinghy Sailing Calendar to be sold in aid of Toe in the Water. The calendar, which contains action photographs of boats from the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force sailing associations, can be previewed and ordered from the Fotoboat website at
Mike Rice, Fotoboat’s founder and himself a former serviceman said “I’m delighted to have the chance to work with Toe in the Water, which does a fantastic job for injured service personnel. I hope we can play a part in helping many badly injured servicemen back into active life within the services or within the community. The Fotoboat team are delighted to donate a sample of our pictures to such a worthy cause.”
Lloyd Hamilton, Toe in the Water’s Racing Director, “Toe in the Water is a tri-service initiative that was set up to re-inspire profoundly and traumatically injured servicemen and women through competitive sailing – and it works! The difference that being back in a competitive team environment can make to these guys’ rehab programmes is huge, so much so that many of them are now taking up sailing for themselves.”
The calendar, which is A4 format with a wire hanger, is on sale now at . Price depends on quantity: £9.95 each for 1 to 4, £8.95 for 5 to 9 and £7.95 if you order 10 or more. The prices include UK postage. Once direct
printing costs have been covered, all income from the sale of the calendars will go to Toe in the Water.