J Boats Open Day in Hamble – All Welcome!
by Becci Eplett, J-UK 19 Mar 2010 17:16 GMT
27 March 2010
A J Boat Open Day will take place in Hamble on Saturday March the 27th. Anyone and everyone who is interested in finding out more about these asymmetric cruiser-racers and sportsboats, and perhaps wishing to try a J Boat for themselves, are invited to attend.
J-UK, the distributor for J Boats in the UK and Ireland, has arranged a series of short, informative talks to take place on Saturday morning in the comfy environs of the Banana Wharf Bar in Port Hamble Marina. In the afternoon visitors will be invited to sail any of the J Boats in the current range, including the new J/97 and the new J/95, which features a lifting centreboard. Guests will be able to establish for themselves precisely why these asymmetric yachts drive so much interest and excitement amongst racing and cruising sailors alike.
Several J Boat owners, in addition to representatives from each of the J Boat Class Associations, will be present to meet and chat with visitors and to explain, first hand, precisely why the J Boat family holds such appeal. James Knights from North Sails, (one of the invited guest speakers) will also be in attendance for the whole day and will be available to offer technical advice, trimming tips and information on sail choice and selection.
Visitors are invited to attend for all or just part of the day. Some will want to sail in the afternoon, others may decide to stay shoreside on this occasion. Either way, the team at J-UK are keen to meet you. It doesn’t matter whether you intend to buy a boat in the future or if your interest is purely from an enthusiast’s perspective; all are welcome.
Emma Vaughton, Sales Manager at J-UK said ‘The idea behind the J Boat Open Day is so that we can show our range of yachts to as many new faces as possible in a relaxed and informal environment. Guests will be able to meet established owners and J Boat sailors. Those who wish to sail in the afternoon can do so, but those who prefer to stay ashore will be in good company.’
If you would like to join the J Boat Open Day on Saturday March 27th, please just email