Thames Inter Match Shield at Abbey Sailing Club
by Duncan Mackay 4 Jun 2010 07:56 BST
Ding-dong at Abingdon
Henley Sailing Club’s team of sailors took to the waters of Abingdon Sailing Club’s racing course to narrowly win the Thames Valley’s most prestigious sailing trophy, the Thames Inter Match Shield, for the fifth time in a ding-dong match against the host team.
In a mixed fleet of 13 boats, with sails straining in the unpredictable conditions, there were many individual challenges to attain the team prize over a day of sailing in two separate races. Dinghies of many classes congregated on the Thames at Abingdon with a mixture of National 12, Laser, Enterprise and Phantom proving to be the winning mix for Henley Sailing Club.
Team Captain and Vice-Commodore, Stephen Rothery said, “This was a blend of experience and persistence from some experienced river sailors. I congratulate my crew, Helene Hook, and other team members John and Mandy Thornton, Tim and Gus Saunders, Carol Stitson, Tim Haigh, Peta Bowyer and Jeff Manning. We got to the end and rang the winner’s bell just in time for tea. We offer many thanks to Abingdon Sailing Club for being such great competitors and for providing a delicious tea at the end.”
The Thames Inter Match Shield attracts sailing clubs from the upper Thames Valley including Abingdon SC, Goring SC, Dorchester SC and Henley SC and is usually held in late spring or early summer either on the river reaches or on lakes. Thanks for the successful organisation of this year’s event held on 9 May are due to the kindness of Abingdon Sailing Club as hosts.
Henley Sailing Club’s OPEN DAY will be held on 12 June at 2pm when the Shield will be on display to visitors. Everyone with an interest in sailing, boating or just enjoying the river is welcome to attend the club’s Open Day at Willow Lane, Wargrave, RG10 8LJ. This year there will be sandwiches, cakes, cream scones and tea as well as a fully licensed bar with tours of the club’s facilities and the opportunity to try sailing a dinghy with one of our crack squad of sailors. Commodore Tim Saunders looks forwards to welcoming you to this absolutely fabulous riverside facility.