Mirror Open at Bosham Sailing Club
by Nicky Chapple 13 Jun 2010 21:44 BST
12 June 2010
Mirrors at Bosham © Nicky Chapple
Bosham win fiercely contested Mirror Open
Mirror sailors had a great day’s competitive sailing at Bosham Sailing Club’s Mirror Open on Saturday 12 June.
After the best kind of breakfast reinforcement that only a Bosham bacon buttie can provide, RYA race coach Josh Rumbol gave this year’s turnout of fourteen boats a training briefing before everyone set out for the course.
The crews had come from all around the south of England to compete in three races, with a brief stop for lunch, and to benefit from Josh’s excellent coaching throughout the races. Winds ranged between force 3-5 and were perfect for the range of abilities of the sailors taking part.
At the prizegiving tea, the announced winners were Ben Stirrup and Sophie Hempsell (First, Bosham), Anna and Harriet Watkins (Second, Poole) and Izzy McParland and Bella Spiers (Third, Itchenor).
The prize for the Best Gaff Rigged Boat went to Peter, Beth and Tom Scott, and the Best Under 14 Bosham Helm was Barnaby Watney, who was crewed by Hugo Duncan Dugal.
As ever, a great day out for crews and parents in Chichester Harbour.