South Rock Race at Portaferry Sailing Club
by Kieran Gilmore 7 Jul 2010 11:49 BST
3 July 2010

John Wilkinson of PSC presenting the South Rock Race trophy to Stephen Martin skipper of Signet of Kip along with her crew © Kieran Gilmore

On Saturday 3rd July Portaferry Sailing Club hosted the annual South Rock cruiser event. The weather was perfect and provided good sailing conditions ie a good amount of sunshine and plenty of wind. The start was a fantastic sight with everyone close hauled all the way down the Strangford Lough Narrows and out to the bar buoy. There was plenty of wind from the bar mouth all the way to the South Rock buoy with plenty of rocking and rolling as spinnakers were hoisted. On the reach on the way back to the bar buoy there were differences in opinion as to whether or not to stay close to the shore and this had a significant effect on the final outcome. The finish was a colourful affair with a broad reach back up the Narrows with spinnakers hoisted. Racing was extremely competitive and all the crews commented afterwards how enjoyable the day had been both on and of the water.
Phil Martin’s Signet of Kip (Strangford Lough Yacht Club) won the IRC class with Derek Gilmore’s Gumdrop (Portaferry Sailing Club) second and Michael Spence’s Le Basculer (Killyleagh Yacht Club) third, while in the PY class Ian Patterson’s Osprey (East Down Yacht Club) was first with Kerry McLernon & John Wilkinson’s Rock N Goose (PSC) second and Des Swail’s Escape (PSC) third. Portaferry Sailing Club (PSC) won the team prize which will be presented with the other prizes at the club’s annual dinner in November.
The committee of Portaferry Sailing Club wish to extend their thanks to all the competitors, to ‘The Quays’ Restaurant, Portavogie who sponsored the event, to the Officer of the Day John McAlea and his team, to Sailing Secretary Shane McCarthy and to all those who gave of their time to ensure a successful and enjoyable event.