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Manroland Tornado Worlds at Travemunde, Germany - Overall

by Patricia Kirschner 29 Jul 2010 11:18 BST 23-30 July 2010

Germans Roland and Nahid Gaebler crowned 2010 Tornado World Champions

Fantastic races on day 4, and last, of the Worlds. The Greeks Iordanis Paschalides and Konstantinos Trigonis were the stars of the day with 3 brilliant bullets. But unfortunately not enough to pass the Germans on the scoreboard. They finish a mere 1 point behind and secured the 2nd place overall. Third were German brothers Helge and Christian Sach.

The wind started light and remained so for the first race of the day. The Race Officer held the boats until the wind built before starting the 2nd race. Greeks Danny Paschalides and Kostas Trigonis were on fire but the German couple Roland and Nahid Gaebler were always close behind.

In the 3rd race the wind swung by 40 degrees but the Race Officer was still able to continue by changing the course. By the end of the race the wind had filled in with the rain and was blowing 25 knots. There was some great high speed downwind action on the last leg with some competitors getting their best results.

John Ready was a great example, having picked up a crew who had never sailed Tornado before at the last minute and then finishing 3rd.There was a massive cheer from John and Lucas as they crossed the line. Lucas said it was the first time he “had sailed a Tornado and it's a really cool boat”.

There were two mixed teams in the top 10 which is great to see and both were flying today!

Christina Loweg, one of the mixed teams from Germany said "for me helming the Tornado is not so hard, it's fast and it's fun". The team finished 7th overall.

2010 World Champions Roland and Nahid Gaebler shared their excitement with us:

“First of all we were very happy to see so many Tornados here. The Tornado is back on the track. We are still missing the presence of some nations, but the numbers are surely going up! We could feel a new spirit in our class and highly motivated sailors who want to see the Tornado back at the Olympics. How amazing is it that the youngest competitor was 15 years old and the oldest 72! We have been sailing together for over a year and to beat one of the best Olympic team (Greeks Paschalides and Trigonis) was a real challenge for us. Never mind that we had winds between 6 and 25 knots! We have been married since 1992 and now sailing together on the Tornado plus winning a World Title is unbelievable. We are so happy!”

This is the first time in the Tornado history that a mixed team won a World title.

Thank you to Manroland for sponsoring the event and providing the sailors with such a great event.

Interviews, video and pictures are available at

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Results after Day 4: (8 races)

PosSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8Pts
1GER 1Gäbler, RolandGäbler, NahidNRV-KYC3121122[5]12
2GRE 7Paschalidis, IordanisTrigonis, Konstantinn.c.thessaloniki1[5]13511113
3GER 11Sach, HelgeSach, ChristianPYC42622[10]4222
4AUS 322Burvill, BrettDuffield, RyanNYC235648[11]836
5GER 5Hemmeter, VeitRieger, MoritzLSC/BYC64[OCS]7843739
6GRE 11Mavros, NikolaosTagaropoulos, AlaexanderNCTH5[DNF]3410761045
7GER 102Loweg, ChristinaLoweg, FlorianStsc8144935[15]649
8SUI 228Rusterholz, MartinKoster, SimonRVS76956179[OCS]59
9GER 68Söhle, HeikoNoll, ThomasLYC[DSQ]1111139145972
10SUI 217Beike, DonaldGloor, MichaelYCSO118141415[30]81282
11AUS 9Beattie, AdamLeitner, JamieCYC[DNF]77161416101888
12AUT 372Schönleitner, MichaelRakuschan, PhilippUYCAs10[27]1910113211791
13AUS 1322Benson, JackKeller, ThiloDSC2512[OCS]1813157494
14GER 1000Unger, FridtjofBusdiecker, ChristianHYC1391019239[26]19102
15AUT 377Schönleitner, ManfredRausch, SvenUYCAs[27]168122762311103
16GER 1084Moser, SebastianPosch, ThomasSVS919151571139[DNC]115
17CZE 62Pavlis, ZdenekPavlis, JiriYC Kovarov1220[22]2118191614120
18GER 69Maurer, DieterWendt, AndreaLYC16[DNF]181121201916121
19ITA 25Sclavi, LorenzoReggio, PaoloYCI1721248[31]181426128
20AUS 11Raymond, PaulBeeby, DavidNYC221012[35]30341221141
21GER 60Meyer, ArndtSyrowy, ManfredKSMA[28]18132724281813141
22GER 42Stadtmüller, LutzNeun, FabianLYC15[31]291716123122142
23GER 15Behem, AndreasBehem, KatharinaLYC19242623201317[DNC]142
24GBR 432Ready, JohnCale, LucasWestmersea1817[OCS]DNF1233133149
25GER 12Blum, ChristianGührs, MarkusESV 861415[DNC]2525252823155
26GER 990Jantke, HannesKoch, ThiloSCSz24291634[DNF]352020178
27GER 2Betz, MarkusBetz, AndreasSMCÜ / RVÜ2023[DNC]20172324DNC180
28GER 205Lippert, StefanGrassl, ThomasFCSS2926213334[37]2228193
29AUS 317Gibb, PeterNeaves, EthanDarwin Sailing Club233023262221[DNF]DNC198
30GER 1100Gunkel, JosefGuggenmos, WilliSCFF3328[OCS]3026363027210
31SUI 226Bernsdorf, StefanKolb, GudrunRCYC3136282933[40]3424215
32CZE 57Krizek, DavidSedivec, MartinLOKO Plzen211317454127[OCS]OCS217
33GER 211Jentsch, JuergenJentsch, TobiasSCFF[DNC]33253628393229222
34AUT 354Böhler, HeinzPinggera, MarkusYCRhd303231281931[OCS]DNC224
35GER 24Mörtl, GünterRübeSVBb2625202429[DNF]DNCDNC230
36ITA 46Mirco, MazziniOscar, RobertiH2O SPORT1 (r)22[DNC]4043413615232,70
37GER 1082Messmer, ChristianRunge, KaiLSC36[DNF]304144223532240
38GER 1074Stade, EkkehardSaid, MaximilianLYC34[DNC]DNC3132322931242
39GER 118Frehland, PeterMader, Horst-UweFCSS3735273939[42]4034251
40AUT 371Breitfuß, HaraldBreitfuß, ValentinSYC32[DNF]DNC22DNF432725255
41GER 970Gührs, PeterKeil, AxelESV 8638[DNF]DNC3237383335266
42GER 99Rocholl, KlausNeun, AlexanderLYC/YCM[DNC]DNCDNC38362625DNC284
43AUT 315Häfner, JensNeussl, StefanÖSV39[DNF]DNC4442294236285
44GER 38Barth, BrunoSyring, FabianPSV-Mz[DNC]DNCDNC37382438DNC296
45SUI 229Manz, Christianvon Scala, ArturSIMPL[DNC]383243454543DNC299
46CZE 22Fousek, BronislavFousek, FilipALT Tornado[DNF]DNCDNC4735463730301
47GER 112Kroeger, ChristianFocke, LarsLYC[DNF]37DNC4847494133308
48GER 854Boltzen, BernhardBoltzen, Theo LukasWSVK3534[DNF]464644DNCDNC311
49AUT 378Ilmer, MatthiasIlmer, HeinzSCTWV[DNF]DNCDNC4948484437332
50GER 1111Messerschmidt, TomBock, BenediktBYC[DNF]DNCDNC424047DNFDNC341
51GER 1020Behem, AndreasBehem, KatharinaLYC[DNC]DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC371

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