Portsmouth number list to be issued at RYA Volvo Dinghy Show
by Emma Slater, RYA 16 Feb 2011 10:02 GMT
5-6 March 2011
The RYA will once again be releasing their Portsmouth Number list at the RYA Volvo Dinghy Show, held at Alexandra Palace, London over the weekend of 5 - 6 March.
Over the past couple of months the RYA Technical department have been collating and analysing the data submitted from clubs and data from the RYA’s Portsmouth Yardstick Race results website which was launched in 2009, which will be incorporated into the data that the Portsmouth Yardstick Advisory Group use to consider the Portsmouth Number list.
Bas Edmonds, RYA Technical Manager said: “We have a seen a more event split in the method clubs are using in getting the data into the RYA. A couple of years ago we would have only been receiving hand completed paper returns, sometimes over 200, of which would have all required hand-inputting into our database. This year has seen electronic returns and website returns making up more than half of the submitted data.”
Bas Edmonds will be at the RYA Volvo Dinghy Show to answer your questions on the Portsmouth Yardstick and other aspects of the Technical Departments work.