Burghfield Sailing Club Wednesday Evening Series - Preview
by Jeremy Carey, BSC Commodore 19 Apr 2011 12:55 BST
20 April 2011
Wednesday evening series due to kick off in fine style
6.50pm tomorrow sees the start of Burghfield Sailing Club's extremely popular Wednesday Evening Personal Handicap Pursuit series which is due to run for the next 18 weeks.
By far an away the most popular race series held at the club and possibly the best attended regular race series in the south, last year it continued to beat all records with 1084 individual entries over the course of the 18 weeks. With an average attendance of 60 boats each week and a peek of 80 boats the series just seems to get bigger and bigger. So with the forecast set for a near perfect start tomorrow are we going to continue the trend this year and see even more entries on the water?
Being a personal handicap event the series draws all walks of sailor, from national champions to complete novices. Start times are adjusted automatically each week and this supports the novice sailor and challenges the champions! Last year the highest personal handicap was 8.5mins (after their class start time) and the lowest 11mins... So its not just about the racing - there's a great deal of pride in how high or low you can get your handicap!
Definitely a series not to miss and with bar facilities and a fantastic meal afterward each week it's not just about the sailing...
For a full breakdown of the series' history click here and browse the detailed results info over the last eight years!
Why not watch a little bit of video on a day from last year where we had 75 boats finish the race....
Want more information about the club why not come along to our open day on the 14th May and benefit from a 25% reduction in joining fees.
Visit the club website or just give our manger a call on 01189 930 3604.