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Sunstorm Marine - Cup Holders - RIB

RC Laser TT Series Finale at Kingsmill Model Boat Club

by Dave Fowler 20 Apr 2011 19:54 BST 16 April 2011

11 travellers and 2 local boats arrive in the blazing sunshine but no wind, only thermals to give movement on the water.

The OD laid the Olympic course for the forecast direction of SW, and the racing commenced.

The theme of the day was don’t be in the lead too early, as you didn’t stay there for very long due to the shifty nature of the day, including several times when all the boat just stopped as though time its self had stopped, with the new thermal coming from a different direction and turning the fleet upside down.

There was a gremlin in the works for Andy Kissick having radio problems, and missing the first two races; a different problem also affected some 2.4 gig users if they sailed too far down the lake, closer to the microwave/ phone masts on the other side, requiring the use of the rescue boat.

The racing was close with everyone having a taste of the lead at some point during the day, with bulk place changing the order of the day.

13 races were sailed with bullets going to John Tushingham x 5, Buzz Coleman x 3, Andy Kissick x3, and John Cleave x2, but it was the consistency that controlled the overall places. With the top 2 being separated by 3 points.

Sailing was terminated a 3.30pm after once again the wind left us.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoHelm
1711John Tushingham
216Buzz Coleman
344John Cleave
425Andy Kissick
530Adrian Tomlinson
6840Dave Fowler
739Skip Reasor
865Keith Holmes
9422Liz Tushingham
101000John Park
1162John Faulkner
1271Alan tickle
1346Fred Charnley

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