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Marblehead Open at Ayr Bay Model Yacht Club

by Gordon Neil 16 May 2011 09:09 BST 7 May 2011
Marbleheads at the Beach Park Pond in Irvine © Shane Kelly

Marbleheads race again in Scotland after an absence of many years! Ayr Bay Model Yacht Club hosted the 4th event in a UK wide series for radio controlled Marbleheads at the Beach Park Pond in Irvine on Saturday, 7th May.

The series known as “GAMES” (Guildford Administered Marblehead Event Series) was introduced in 2011 to help encourage participation in Marblehead racing with 10 events taking place throughout the U.K.

Eleven skippers took part, nine from local Scottish clubs and two from England who made the long journey north. The entry included a wide range of Marblehead yachts of varying vintage. Designs included Prime Number, Whisper, Scalpel 2, Hush Hush, Tempest, Remix, Roar Edge, Rok and Buzz-Bee.

The Race Officer for the day was Ken Hathaway from Ayr Bay MYC and the scorer was David Smith of Paisley MYC.

Racing commenced in very light and variable winds predominantly from the South East. The first three places in race 1 were taken by Robert Rooney of Paisley MYC, Pat Johnston of Greenock MBC and John McAdoo of Guildford MYC. A good start by the Scots!

The varying winds made for many course changes, on a regular basis, keeping the RO busy trying to outfox the vagaries of the conditions, and the skippers having to work hard in their endeavours to find the best racing lines.

The wind gradually increased throughout the day, requiring most of the fleet to change down to their smaller “B” rig.

By lunchtime, Pat Johnson held a slender lead over Ali Law and the two visiting skippers Roy Stephens from Tri-Services MYC, and Hugh McAdoo from Guildford MYC.

During the afternoon session the two visitors Roy Stevens and Hugh McAdoo gradually and consistently clawed back the advantage and at the end of 19 Races took first and second place, respectively, both sailing Prime Numbers. Well-deserved third, fourth and fifth places were taken by Robert Rooney from Paisley MYC, sailing his “Whisper”, Patrick Johnston of Greenock MYC, sailing his “Remix “and Alistair Law of Buchaness MYC, sailing his “Whisper” who unfortunately had to retire due to radio failure early in the afternoon session. Best placed skipper from the local club Ayr Bay MYC was Alistair McLaughlin in a commendable sixth position, sailing his “Scalpel 2”.

A fine day was had by all.

This was the first time, for many a year, that the Marblehead Class of racing yacht has been sailed in a formal event, in Scotland.

It is hoped, as a consequence of this event, that this class of very fast racing yacht might, yet again, prove to be attractive to new and existing skippers alike, bringing these marvellous boats back to the fore in Scotland.

Overall Results: (top six)

PosSkipperClubBoat TypePts
1Roy StevensTri-ServicesPrime Number34
2Hugh McAdooGuildfordPrime Numbe44.6
3Robert RooneyPaisleyWhisper52
4Pat JohnstonGreenockRemix54
5Ali LawBuchannessWhisper62
6Alistair McLaughlinAyr BaySkalpel 2108

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