Royal Escape Race 2011 Deadline Extended
by Steve Vyse 18 May 2011 15:27 BST
27-28 May 2011
There is still time!
With apologies to those who managed to get their entries into the office in time to enjoy the early bird price, there are some skippers that missed the deadline and have phoned me in shock as to the high price of late entry. Well good news for Laurence our very own late running SYC Sailing Captain that I am a soft hearted soul and have extended the deadline to Friday 20 May. If you still need documents then get over to the website and download them -
I am also happy to confirm that the short handed class now has enough entries to run this year so as long as you are confident enough you only need one crew to take part.
So just to recap for those still undecided, the RER costs just £8.50 per metre which covers your race entry, a free war flag plus moorings and great socials over in Fécamp. The long range forecasts are looking promising so if you haven't entered yet come on in, and if you have already entered then good for you!
I am only able to extend this deadline as the Sussex Combined Clubs Handicap meeting has moved so thanks to them and all their hard work.
Dubarry Boat Of Boots
We are really pleased that Dubarry are once again supporting the race through SMR by offering the IRC fleet winner a boat full of boots. No matter how many are on your crew, if they were aboard when you cross the finish line then they win a voucher for a pair of Dubes - this is an astinishingly generous prize which will hopefully stoke up the IRC hot shots to try even harder. With no Sleeper this year and no Joe 90 the prize is up for grabs by a new contender (we have our first ever canting keel boat racing under IRC this year so there is also the chance that the fastest crossing may fall).
Coach to the briefing
With so many boats starting from Brighton we are again booking a coach for those attending the race briefing on Thursday. The coach will arrive for pick up at 17:45 outside the Seattle Hotel in the Marina, departing at 18:00 and arriving at SYC in Shoreham around 19:00 in time to sign on before the briefing (which will start around 19.30). The coach is then scheduled to head back to the marina departing SYC at 20:25 and arriving at the marina around 21:15. This is a 79 seat coach and the tickets will be available on a first come first served basis at £5 return payable in cash only on the coach.
To make sure you get a seat it is best to make a reservation online by using this booking form. You can see how many seats are left here.
Dinner in France
A new offer for the 2011 race from our good friends at our host French Yacht Club SRF is a meal on Saturday evening before the disco party. From 6pm they will be serving a full dinner with various cold plates comprising vegetables, pork meat, cheese, dessert etc prices at a reasonable 15 Euros. The meal is payable to SRF on the night but we do ask you to reserve places by emailing me your name, boat and how many tickets to set aside. We need to advise SRF of the numbers by Wednesday 25 May 2011.