Sail Brisbane 2011 - Notice of Race now available
by Suellen Hurling 14 Jul 2011 09:12 BST
16-19 November 2011
Each year Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron hosts the ISAF Grade 2 regatta Sail Brisbane. The event is normally the first regatta of the Sail Down Under Series, however this year it’s the final leg.
Sail Brisbane is also the last regatta of the Yachting Australia Youth Sailing Grand Prix. Keeping in line with the High Performance Strategy and the Australian Sports Commission’s ‘Pathway to Success’, the Youth Sailing Grand Prix is designed to build a stronger national domestic competition that encourages youth participation and competition. The Sail Brisbane presentation is where the winners will be announced.
The Notice of Race and Online Entry forms are now available from the dedicated race website. Sailors intending on racing in the regatta are encouraged to enter the event early.
Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron recently hosted Queensland Youth Week incorporating the Australian Youth Championship with 238 entries. The expansive rigging lawns were bustling however there was still plenty of room to move across the grassed area.
“Sail Brisbane is another chance for us to show off our expansive facilities here at the Squadron. The regatta is of international standards and we always look forward to welcoming foreign visitors to our club, said RQYS Commodore Greg Clarke.
Sail Brisbane launches a busy summer program for Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron. The active club will host the Laser, Sharpie, Optimist and 29er Australian Championships, the Australian Youth Championships and then the Laser Masters World Championship in March.
For more information regarding Sail Brisbane visit