SNECCA Catamaran Travellers at Helensburgh Sailing Club
by Mark Homer 19 Aug 2011 08:45 BST
13-14 August 2011

SNECCA cats at Helensburgh © Tomas Cockle
SNECCA took their travellers to Helensburgh Sailing Club for the second event in the series.
Despite boisterous conditions, Dave Parker and Scott Cleary took to the water with glee, putting an even bigger smile on Dave's moosh as he powered through the varied windy conditions, windy, very, wet, very wet, dry, sunny, usual Scottish fair, their ferocious Tornadoes progress only slightly hampered when Dave fell orf tiller in hand, they still took all six races to be worthy winners.
Within the fleet, another two classes battled amongst themselves whist Dave and Scott flew to overall victory 2nd overall. First of the strong Dart 18 element was Tony Abraham sailing solo to steal FC Dutoit and Karl van Impe's mojo finishing 2nd and 3rd respectively.
The Stealth contingent, heads down in their own personal battle for crown of Scottish Champions, perhaps lost slip on the fleet, but had excellent racing with Flipper (Kev) Lynch and daughter Josie coming an admirable first sailing F16 two up, pipping Rafael Oujez sailing solo F16, poor Raf's mojo took a battering as, whilst twice in the lead, he tipped it in. Still, he showed that he was a force to be reckoned with. Newbie to putting his boat in the water (he's had it a year!) Fraser Gray steadily improved smokin' his kipper like a good 'un!
Colour was added to the fleet by the Polish visitors from Oban, who flew around at great pace in their Dart with their Polish town flag flying proud on their main, a welcome addition to SNECCA.