Miracle Open Meeting at Thornton Steward Sailing Club
by Gillan Gibson 6 Sep 2011 22:37 BST
3-4 September 2011

Miracle Open Meeting at Thornton Steward © Andrew Burges
The ability to make best use of the Miracle’s light wind capabilities was paramount on this weekend. Saturday had wind, but it was of the very fickle variety both in direction and speed, with the emphasis on low speed. However, 10 boats hit the water and those who could follow the shifts up the beat and make a good approach and rounding at buoy 1 had the advantage.
In the first race the battle for first place was won by Wayne Atherton and Liz Kemp (3383) who pushed Jon and Phil Aldhous (3794) into second place on the last lap. In the second race Wayne and Liz again fought for first place, but this time it was they who were pushed out as David and Michelle Raines (3740) took the lead on the second last lap. Following were Martin and Mavis Bathe (59) who took third and Gillan and Kenneth Gibson (3670) who took fourth, crews who do not usually achieve such high placings, but who mastered the conditions on this occasion.
Sunday was another day and yes the wind was steadier, but there was rather less of it! It always managed to fill in when the decision was made to launch and during the start, but then it would drop and the skill to take best advantage of the opportunities which came your way really mattered. Race 3 was dominated by Wayne Atherton and Liz Kemp who took and kept the lead.
David and Jean Reed (3725) chased David and Michelle Raines finally overtaking them to gain a welcome second place. They were really pleased with this result, but in the fourth race they surpassed themselves and won their first open meeting race. The final race belonged to Jon and Phil Aldhous who in the lightest of conditions could not relax for one moment as throughout David and Michelle Raines were only seconds behind them.
Overall, the weekend belonged to Wayne Atherton and Liz Kemp (3383) whose consistency shone through.
1st Wayne Atherton and Liz Kemp (Delph)
2nd David and Michelle Raines (RYA)
3rd Jon and Phil Aldhous (Beaver)
4th David and Jean Reed (Girton)
5th Peter Cuthbert and Mark Atherton (Leigh and Lowton)