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Port of Falmouth Sailing Association reply to Wildlife Trust

by Steve Nicholls 21 Nov 2011 08:03 GMT

The Cornish and now National Wildlife Trusts are objecting to why the Defra Minister Richard Benyon has delayed the MCZ designation process; they want all 127 sites protected now. As far as I am concerned the Process is far from over and the Wildlife trusts are attempting to rush designation even before Defra has seen the Social Economic Assessments for the sites. This is totally ignoring the proper Process and the wildlife trusts should have this pointed out to them in no uncertain terms. They continually say stakeholder process was sound; in Cornwall's case it was clearly not as the recreational seat on the Cornish Conservation panel was not correctly filled, even though Natural England and Finding Sanctuary were well aware of whom the Stakeholders were. This resulted in many organisations being denied information and ability to make their points felt. This also meant their expertise to find common ground was lost.

We are all conservationists, but I feel the Wildlife trusts are trying to interfere with the due process with no regard for the social -economic work to be presented. These assessments are part and parcel of the whole process and are yet to be submitted to Defra. The Wildlife trusts seem to be intentionally disregarding the impact on jobs, recreation and future versatility of the Port of Falmouth port in particular.

I have just seen the Wildlife Trust Video on You Tube featuring Nick Baker. This Video is wholly misleading since the MCZ process is NOT Over and there is plenty of time for people to have their say in the public consultation process later on. The Minister was at pains to state that all 127 MCZ, s where still to be looked at by Defra. To try and short cut the due progress will most certainly lead to even further delay.

I am a working dairy farmer and my hobby is sailing there will be very grave consequences for my sport and Falmouth Port if the Fal Reference Zone is designated as a reference MCZ. The area is already protected being a Special area of Conservation and further regulation will totally disrupt the Status Quo between Conservation and a vibrant Port.

Yours Sincerely,
Steve Nicholls, chairman Port of Falmouth Sailing Association