International Moths at the RYA Volvo Dinghy Show
by James Phare 29 Feb 2012 10:46 GMT
Stand C48, 3-4 March 2012

An enthusiastic group of ‘mothies’ will be on hand at the RYA Volvo Dinghy Show © Nick Dallimore / Tata Steel SC
This year the UK International Moth Class Association stand at the RYA Dinghy show looks set to be as busy as ever with an exciting 2012 racing season fast approaching. As usual there will be an enthusiastic group of ‘mothies' manning the stand ready to answer any questions you might have about the boat. These could range from questions about getting started in the class to more technical questions on setup, technique & construction – there will be a cross section of sailors more than happy to help.
This year there will be two leading designs on display in the form of the National & European Championship winning Ninja by Aardvark Technologies in Bristol and the World Championship winning Mach 2 design from Australia. As ever throughout the winter innovation has continued and some of the latest enhancements such as the latest iteration KA & fibrepath Hyde Sails will also be on display.